What is told by psychology about results of an incest? Incest from a scientific point of view

Research and articles about incest
incest guest
 What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

When minors are acquainted with pleasures of

Whether there are in general chances to the child to avoid large psychological injuries?

There are links normal impartial on researches?
In Norway
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by In Norway »

In Norway there was an infantofiliya (it is sex with babies) writes the Internet. Norway judged gang of infantofil and the Norwegian psychologists said that, the quote "Children very well transfer rape".

I don't remember the address of the websites, but through search engine it is easy to find this information, on several websites will be
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

Here, by the way, in the same place in Evropakh there are parties of pedophiles. They have to lean on

Where to read such researches.

Or how Jesus from South Park - this subject isn't touched even a six-meter stick?
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by V N »

Such party was in Holland but it was forbidden
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

Really in granaries of this party nothing was?

She had to prove the political position somehow.
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by V N »

As find links - in the searcher you print what interests you, what you want to find and it will be if it is in open access.

Or still it is possible to leave in the shadow Internet via the TOR browser
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

Not, well, of course, everything knows Google, but not the fact that it necessary will get on the first page of search.

At first it is more best to ask specialists purposefully to vkogtitsya.

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 1 hour 59 minutes 3 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

Well someone has to know here after all, the rabbit hole is how deep...
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

It isn't simple to eat chances to avoid psychological injuries in the childhood, and approach 100% if seniors follow several important rules from which main thing - any violence and coercion. But those someone in the childhood avoided injuries from the family risk to get at adult age from the general public so severe injuries, only in an opposite direction.
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by V N »

Simply it is necessary to print inquiry in the searcher more precisely (longer it will turn out) then on the first page in the top line necessary will appear. And not only Google to use, still Yandex and other search engines. If doesn't appear - most likely there is no it on the open Internet and is only in shadow.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Polosaty_Kot post_id=10792 time=1665869995 user_id=2145]
It isn't simple to eat chances to avoid psychological injuries in the childhood, and approach 100% if seniors follow several important rules from which main thing - any violence and coercion. But those someone in the childhood avoided injuries from the family risk to get at adult age from the general public so severe injuries, only in an opposite direction.

This opinion of the psychologist?

Or there is before eyes an experience happy couple incest?
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=MSu post_id=10801 time=1665922706 user_id=1450]
This opinion of the psychologist?

Or there is before eyes an experience happy couple incest?

It according to those whose experience of an incest in childhood/youth was positive.

As for opinions of psychologists and psychiatrists very few people from them can remain impartial in such tabooed questions as an incest, and it leads to type situaiya:"You have a severe injury from the childhood! - I have no injuries and I am absolutely happy person! - No, you don't understand, injured you!". Especially often it meets in the USA.
Pyotr Vasilyevich.
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by Pyotr Vasilyevich. »

Never I thought that in my family there can be an incest and here on an old age of years itself I became the initiator of an incest.
Aversiya Seksualnaya
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by Aversiya Seksualnaya »

I have an incest from 9 years with parents. No injuries existed. On the contrary, it was a fascinating and pleasant game)
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by V N »

It is possible to find videos in which psychologists speak about an incest. All of them condemn an incest because such is a position of the state. Not only their rollers can block but also to him there can be questions and problems.

One psychologist (I don't remember a surname, I can specify then) speaks badly a relationship mother son and the brother sister, but it is good about a relationship the father daughter.

Not so long ago American psychologist released the video where says that pedophilia is just orientation such and considers that it isn't necessary to punish for it. Bald she some, with tattoos on video. The printing websites confirm that it is the psychologist.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= " V N" post_id=10822 time=1665994488 user_id=1]
Not so long ago American psychologist released the video where says that pedophilia is just orientation such and considers that it isn't necessary to punish for it.

Really. Such
Tyrants just so also present it, "love" at them such to
And all others just don't understand their high feelings.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[Aversiya Seksualnaya quote= "" post_id=10821 time=1665985468 user_id=1]
I have an incest from 9 years with parents. No injuries existed. On the contrary, it was a fascinating and pleasant game)

And it is possible in more detail?

Whether now there is a family? Do you have children? And in general as it was now died
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , viewing of a pornography inevitably leads to search of child porn. Begin with viewing of a sensuality, then rigid a sensuality, then a usual porn, then a rigid porn, then with a porn with perversions, a pornincest, zoophilia. All this bothers and ceases to excite and that remains - only child porn wasn't seen yet and begin to look for it, begin to think of sex with children, it begins to excite them. Conclusion:viewing of a pornography gradually but inevitably does by pedophiles of those someone watches a pornography.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=??? post_id=10832 time=1666001452 user_id=1]
katerina68, viewing of a pornography inevitably leads to search of child porn. Begin with viewing of a sensuality, then rigid a sensuality, then a usual porn, then a rigid porn, then with a porn with perversions, a pornincest, zoophilia. All this bothers and ceases to excite and that remains - only child porn wasn't seen yet and begin to look for it, begin to think of sex with children, it begins to excite them. Conclusion:viewing of a pornography gradually but inevitably does by pedophiles of those someone watches a pornography.

What doesn't cancel the fact that the pedophile and the tyrant of children are a pedophile and the tyrant of

And justification at the level "it began to watch a porn so to that and came that I raped the child".

Won't give a ride in any way.

The porn is watched by many.

Here only those someone justifies with it rape of children... it is a little...

Though probably for you it is normal...
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , rape and seduction absolutely different articles. You confuse them.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=??? post_id=10835 time=1666008168 user_id=1]
katerina68, rape and seduction absolutely different articles. You confuse them.

And yes here articles?

Or the fact that that inclined the child without physical force it Ai the lassie" is direct "? The good loving uncle?

The same pedophile, unless shows the thirst for children on another.

And in additives both it is article.
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , article, only not in all countries. In the different countries differently. In Iran there is no consent age limit, but marriage is necessary. That is in Iran theoretically the girl can be married absolutely at any age. In Nigeria age of consent 11, in Mexico 12, in Japan and South Korea 13. From our point of view all of them are pedophiles, especially Iran (the ally of Russia). And in Russia the age of consent was 14 till 2003.
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

In Tunisia age of consent of 20 years. From the point of view of Tunisians all world - pedophiles (except them).
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=??? post_id=10837 time=1666009505 user_id=1]
And in Russia the age of consent was 14 till 2003.

Even if he was that yesterday. Today already
The law doesn't have it as "oh still yesterday it was possible we will forgive it".

There is a current law at the moment.

[quote=??? post_id=10837 time=1666009505 user_id=1]
In Iran there is no consent age limit, but marriage is necessary. That is in Iran theoretically the girl can be married absolutely at any age.

And still there it is possible to hammer with stones. Too normal practice?

Maybe it is worth estimating over that country where we are?

And that so is places where also cannibalism
And Nigeria in the same place.

[quote=??? post_id=10837 time=1666009505 user_id=1]
especially Iran (ally of Russia)

Really. Iran the ally of Russia and therefore we will determine local events by their laws and norms. Powerful argument.
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , 1) was s14, s16 today earlier. The law that dyshlo-where you will turn there and left.

2) Japan how civilized country for you (to the с13 - and).?

3) the ally of Russia - the country of pedophiles of *x)
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=??? post_id=10840 time=1666010965 user_id=1]
1) was s14, s16 today earlier. The law that dyshlo-where you will turn there and left.

Quite so. When it is legislatively possible to put to bed kids then write that it is possible.

And at the moment similar actions are a pedophilia and

[quote=??? post_id=10840 time=1666010965 user_id=1]
2) Japan how civilized country for you (to the с13 - and).?

We in Japan? No, it seems isn't present.

So exactly too most. It is necessary to speak about that country where we are and for which her law enforcement works, but not to move foreign culture and the

[quote=??? post_id=10840 time=1666010965 user_id=1]
3) the ally of Russia - the country of pedophiles

Yes. By our legislation it is
If you want to live under their laws, then live at them.

But you don't say that time is norm there, and to us it is good.
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , everything is relative:In one country of the person consider the pedophile and in another he is an ordinary person. And in Tunisia:you fucked 19-iletnyuyu-the pedophile, and around the world, except Tunisia - the ordinary person.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=??? post_id=10845 time=1666014016 user_id=1]
katerina68, everything is relative:In one country of the person consider the pedophile and in another he is an ordinary person. And in Tunisia:you fucked 19-iletnyuyu-the pedophile, and around the world, except Tunisia - the ordinary person.


There is a country and is her
Made in her it has legal proceedings and estimated by her
But not concerning what is somewhere else.

Fairly for any country.
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , still what relativity! It was possible with 18, then with 14, then with 16. Both will want and will make. From our point of view:Japanese, South Koreans, Iranians, Mexicans and and Nigerians - pedophiles.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=??? post_id=10848 time=1666014578 user_id=1]
katerina68, still what relativity! It was possible with 18, then with 14, then with 16. Both will want and will make. From our point of view:Japanese, South Koreans, Iranians, Mexicans and and Nigerians - pedophiles.


Do you suggest to put forward Japan and the rest reproach "jail your pedophiles?"

Or to spit on ours legislations and at rape or harassment of the child to choose for a way of assessment of similar actions throwing a coin with the words " today we will make a start from the legislation here such that the countries "? So whether? Amusing approach. With humour...
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

Katerina68 [/don't have [ref] ref] and. But what turns out:till 1992 put for sex with 17-iletny and considered them pedophiles, and now it is possible and is normal.

And if the tourist went to Japan, fucked 13-iletny there and in Russia tells about it, he is a pedophile or not?
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

Here it seems the subject initially about psychologists is announced. And there is more than a half of participants of a forum - lawyers pancake:ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by ??? »

Look what photos in advertizing of this website:thin girls are fucked the fat dick. Same a hint on pedophilia from administration of the website.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] [/ref] , at the son no what injuries were only one more began to hide to jerk off talked on this subject he and began to behave on another climbed without asking me on the contrary me not much it disturbed was afraid that he will tell friends, but he somehow quickly matured especially when gave rise, maybe not correctly took away youth from the son but also gave another. I personally am not sorry about anything about the son I am silent. One minus not to undersign and I with pleasure would marry the son. But the family knows.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

The psychology is very thin thing, at someone sexual experience in an incest will take place without any injuries and is possible even with advantage, and for someone these injuries will get out on I pull down already at mature age... Also will probably decline the children to it and in more perverted form.
incest guest
 Re:What is told by psychology about results of an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=??? post_id=10832 time=1666001452 user_id=1]
[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , inevitably leads viewing of a pornography to search of child porn.

As in a joke:Bus. The man, you won't transfer the ticket? Someone will transfer?, I will transfer and itself such!

First, all this a hogwash and what man won't look at the girl, I was at schools, it is a sensuality, all sexual.

And also, if the daughter's girlfriend, gets to her father someone will be able to refuse, then she will tell, and mother learns that you stuck to me,

at once you will go to a zone, or undress, I think the choice here not big.

And correctly wrote, now in 15 years, already both forms and a figure in 15 were earlier flat, and in about 200 years in 15 years they still 40-year-old will give odds also on mind too. By the way as I remember, in Russia 25-30 years already old maids were, and 40 summer for the 15th summer old women <.br/>
Then it isn't necessary to confuse, eat guys, they peretrakhat all, well they have such purpose, and just modest and which wait only for one, will be to pension

to wait for the half. To girls even if they watch a porn for hours, many won't get, the porn is a porn, and to try to persuade someone it is necessary to have

shift in mentality or that it has only a desire to young and simply нимфоман.
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