Senior setsraBrother - sister

Relations between siblings, cousins and cousins
incest guest
 Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

All hi I want to get advice. To me there is a fucking great sister who is more senior than me for 3 years she lives not at me in the city but sometimes comes generally on summer vacation. I very much want her I so to speak gave her the sign trite hints and even once slapped on the back. And the second time when we said goodbye she embraced me and I put hands on the back. It seems she wasn't minds but also not what I didn't make. Sometimes we. With her we correspond but not really she long answers (messages go long and sometimes she ignores) but she seldom ignores to storayetsya to answer. And so somebody can prompt what should I do she come at most for 3 weeks and we see each other time 5 6 during this time there are some options
incest guest
 Re:Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

[ref] nikita.terentev [/ref] , and how old is she? if it has a guy, then without chances probably. And so you can "accidentally" touch it, something, than nothing is more best than :wink:
incest guest
 Re:Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

[quote=nikita.terentev post_id=9311 time=1663183103 user_id=1438]
All hi I want to get advice. To me there is a fucking great sister who is more senior than me for 3 years she lives not at me in the city but sometimes comes generally on summer vacation. I very much want her I so to speak gave her the sign trite hints and even once slapped on the back. And the second time when we said goodbye she embraced me and I put hands on the back. It seems she wasn't minds but also not what I didn't make. Sometimes we. With her we correspond but not really she long answers (messages go long and sometimes she ignores) but she seldom ignores to storayetsya to answer. And so somebody can prompt what should I do she come at most for 3 weeks and we see each other time 5 6 during this time there are some options

There is her photo? Throw off here, we will look that it will be possible to prompt you putny. :muza:
incest guest
 Re:Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

Nikita, if she already adult and has sex with other guys, then strangely enough, the theoretical chance is quite high. At least once survey of young girls on a subject was conducted:if your younger teenage brother asked to teach it to sex whether you agreed? Surprisingly, but about a half of girls answered that yes, if the brother on pain of fearful vengeance guarantees that nobody ever under no circumstances learns about it. So not only be torn to embrace it, but also start with it long confidential chats, and sooner or later the subject will reach also sex. The main thing - don't hurry, girls most of all don't love hasty guys.
incest guest
 Re:Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

The subject the brother sister is very interesting from the different points of view. Especially, if still there is an age difference. I have a sister too, but is more senior than me for 2 years only. About the rest in a private message or in tenge
incest guest
 Re:Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

At me cousin is more senior than me for 3 years, and we have fine relationship, oral vaginal
incest guest
 Re:Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

Zero chances. Long answers, it is the first sign of the girl full not of interest. And, what doesn't make you a remark, says only that it is a shame to her to speak to you about it. But! I think that for the time being and you risk to receive it once on Russian cabbage soup))) If she though a drop what that would like, would believe you it was seen without uniform doubt.
incest guest
 Re:Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

I think will leave nothing, she just teases, but someone knows.
incest guest
 Re:Senior setsra

Post by incest guest »

Yes what difference that long writes. There is no harm in trying.

To Potusit together, to drink what hot, to put a hand on a bottom, to drain in suddenly and everything will be started turning.

Or it won't be started turning, but there will already be some definiteness and it will be possible to spend resources for other

Here you fans to rely on long-term plans. Girls - "person" of mood. You seize the moment.
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