Also there is a wish and it is pricked ⇐ Incest-coffee shop
Also there is a wish and it is pricked
All hi! I want to discuss such subject as provocation. In this case, provocation of mother in relation to the son. For example, I had a case in the childhood when my mother began at me, consistently, to undress, about something it is lovely with me stirring. When she took off pants, I had something, like shock, I, suddenly sharply came off a chair on which I sat, I ran about the room, ran away into another. But, it turned out that under some pants, on her, at this time, there were others, it is less and more thinly. My such reaction was caused that mother, at me, naked never went. And was to me, during that time, years 12 already. I consider that it was the feeler from her party. Any more it so never did. But, we slept with it, practically, always together, and besides, it was at this time always naked (in a night dress which was lifted up eternally). It allowed me to caress at night of and to feel, type fell down. Or perhaps didn't sleep, and pretended to be sleeping? Whether there was it conscious provocation from her party? Whether you had, similar, or similar cases? For example, mother specially didn't hide when she masturbated, or, the dick, etc. washed you, kind of accidentally, nadrachivy to you. You share stories and memoirs.
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
I can't tell, but the fact that it becomes specially, precisely.
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
Maybe they just think "yes here still this milksop I will hesitate" that's all
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
Well I don't know, washing always after the bathroom I sat down in front of the mirror naked, not depending on what in the room, and I rubbed myself with different creams, paying special attention to a breast, and a pussy, it at her shaven and on a pubis isn't a lot of hair and when she greased it always asked whether it is pleasant to me.
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
Happens that just mother doesn't hesitate (to undress at the son) and considers it norm without suspecting what emotions it can cause in the son.
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
well, well, especially if she at me caresses herself, moves apart sponges, and asks beautiful or not!!!
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
Mirror situation. The son provokes mother. Again, I will begin with myself. Already, after army, we, as usual, got drunk after work, alcohol, moonshine, etc. I came home standing, mother wasn't, and I, suddenly, decided to pretend to be absolutely "in an insole". I scattered things, I stripped to the skin, I laid down on a sofa in the room, and I began to wait for mother. Having heard that she came, I began to masturbate. She came into the room, saw this picture, I, type, drunk, jerk off in a dream. In my room there was a small TV. I hear, it stands, looks, switched off the TV. Still I stood. Then, she began to go to and fro. Then, I fell asleep. I got up in the morning, indifferently. We sit, with her, in kitchen, we stir. She, between times asks, - Anything, you were soiled yesterday. It seems, you don't remember anything. I include the fool. - And what I have to remember? - I drank too much a little. Well, and further, about anything conversation. In a week I decided to repeat an experiment. Again, we thump, I come home, mother of the house, in kitchen. I, again, type, "in an insole". I undress at myself, I throw everything on a floor, itself, on a floor too. I hear, comes, tries to lift me on a sofa. And, thump, type, I grumble only. She left, I to jerk off. She comes, I jerk off, type, in a dream. She, attention, turns on my TV and sits down, allegedly it to look. I quietly cum, I am chopped off. In the morning, it was washed, I come on kitchen, it - Good morning! - Again, yesterday I got drunk, I didn't crawl to a sofa. Laughs. About what I jerk off in a dream is silent. Provocation? I, then, still so did more than once. I did and in a different way.
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
In other subject the author wrote that he is 60 years old. 60-12=48. 48 years ago thongs weren't
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
[right now I will explain to with quote= "" post_id=8087 time=1660997054 user_id=1]
In other subject the author wrote that he is 60 years old. 60-12=48. 48 years ago thongs weren't[/quote]
[right now I will explain to with quote= "" post_id=8104 time=1661006974 user_id=1]Should re-read to you my text again. Where, there, it is written about thongs? Earlier, women carried (in the 70th, and earlier), big pants drawers, and under them, they carried usual. Thongs, your invention. Where it is written that I am 60 years old? I told, "there will be 60 soon". And it means, both 51, and 55, and 58. Well and, finally, I asked to remember the true-life stories and if they are absent, then just read, no comments.
What there I mixed, - invents[/quote]
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
Thongs appeared in the first half of the 20th century in America, and they intended for strippers. In those days in the USA there was a law forbidding to bare intimate places on public, and almost imperceptible panties helped dancers, being bared, to remain law-abiding. Later thongs gained popularity in broad masses. Now they are carried by the most different girls worldwide
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
Thanks, Voldemar for support. Simply, there are such people who instead of writing on a subject, try to discover any discrepancies. "Right now I will explain". To someone? What for? Subject of a topic, provocation. Or mothers, in relation to the son, or the son, in relation to mother. With sexual implication. Also there is a wish, and a taboo. I told the stories. We can bandy. Tell, similar. Too we will discuss.
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
At me I graduated from still wild desire to fuck former cool, school in 2001, it to these the slender beauty... somehow met in cafe a class, she sat near me, a hand on my knee... in trousers all a stake... somehow I calmed down to priglachit on dance, long ago I hinted her that she attracts me as the woman... but I am afraid, after all I am married, she is married...
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
They want and you don't understand, it is a pity for them with you
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
[quote=robert21 post_id=8075 time=1660983838 user_id=545]Because wanted sex with you.
Interestingly why they so behaved[/quote]
Re:Also there is a wish and it is pricked
The female psychology is arranged so:to provoke to make another as it wants that then (if there are problems) it was possible to stand aside, at anything, to shift the blame on him.
They if provoke you to active stickings, then it to make secure:if there are problems, will tell "Well same not I to you stuck and you to me, you stuck to me on the initiative, you also are guilty".
Cattle psychology, by the way...
They if provoke you to active stickings, then it to make secure:if there are problems, will tell "Well same not I to you stuck and you to me, you stuck to me on the initiative, you also are guilty".
Cattle psychology, by the way...