Terrorist attack in family Incest from a scientific point of view

Research and articles about incest
incest guest
 Re:Terrorist attack in family

Post by incest guest »

[quote=katerina68 post_id=8896 time=1662381682 user_id=171]
West very extensible...
As however and religion...

When I speak in images the West, I mean to the west from Philippines, the city of Uryupinsk where is engaged in Shamanism and the voodoo... You, perfectly understand where it when a Post-Soviet Russia speaks in images the West. I am not an arrogant man, and I will specify about areas, Western and Central Europe and the American continent where historically, most of the population practised monteistichesky religions. But, in view of cultural development and technologies in general, more and more people deny participation in belief in other forces.

And what stories for you are most truthful?! Still, in what details of a space you find in yourself the detective and with shout of "akh", you catch unfair story-tellers?

[quote=katerina68 post_id=8896 time=1662381682 user_id=171]
Once I communicated with people on
Then I wrote to one of them the small story... that in fact almost accident...

Well, Katerina, be not over-modest, I ask you! Really, only so to speak, scientific interest? That, probably you test something when writing? Can some memoirs?
incest guest
 Re:Terrorist attack in family

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Darius post_id=8904 time=1662390416 user_id=1997]
more and more people deny participation in belief in other forces.

Wouldn't tell...

Number believing in the countries of Europe somewhere between 40-80 percent that gives average, much more a half of
So words it is more and more" this obvious

[quote=Darius post_id=8904 time=1662390416 user_id=1997]
and with shout of "akh", you catch unfair story-tellers

I urged them to catch nobody. But if the person exposes himself the comedian, then claims why laugh at him can't be.

It about story-tellers here.

And stories on the websites from Ayrault
They already without interest for my part.

[quote=Darius post_id=8904 time=1662390416 user_id=1997]
Well, Katerina, be not over-modest, I ask you! Really, only so to speak, scientific interest? That, probably you test something when writing? Can some memoirs?

Not so scientific, I not doctor's write... only
Out of feelings, those at which you hint, excitement and other, no. But there is interest in psychology. There is some form of hostility as probably as any author I put something special in characters and try to think over some moments from the

And besides...

There is a lot of books where the narration is led from maniacs and murderers, military where the character is this or that soldier the Nazi of

Authors of it have to try on on themselves too and wish it?

Or they only write and put some efforts studying a subject that the garbage inappropriate to reality didn't turn out?
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