Дроч дроч, пидадроч. Incest-coffee shop

Just a gazebo about life and about sex
Nastya Tryapkina
 Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by Nastya Tryapkina »

When at the son the first morning erection began, I began to suck away at him (before school).
Nastya Tryapkina
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by Nastya Tryapkina »

At once:Sex with anybody WILL not be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

and what he had the first reaction?
Nastya Tryapkina
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by Nastya Tryapkina »

Oh, I I I, дастиш фантастиш
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

and you fucked with him?
Nastya Tryapkina
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by Nastya Tryapkina »

Yes, in a cunt and in an ass
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

The school student has fun)
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

Really you don't trust?

As so...
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , and how at you was? :read:
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] and it is the ordinary troll)
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=hetzer post_id=3792 time=1653987277 user_id=838]

yes it is the ordinary troll)


I know, I am able to read …

It simply entertains me when kids compose the baizes. And so ridiculous that it only emphasizes scholastic age differently they would compose though something is cleverer.

And so, it too most what to listen as the child … to don't know … we will tell tells how his dog is able to fly …

And with full conviction that he will be believed …
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by ..... »

And there are no women here. Some faggots pose as them
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] whether probably to communicate to you in a private message?
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=..... post_id=3794 time=1653996011 user_id=1]

And there are no women here. Some faggots pose as them


Double No. 3

Now still the new subject should be created that at forums some "faggots mow".

For the first time it seemed about "blue" most, then "roosters"

What on this of races will the boyish imagination give out? What word pozaboristy...
I don't advise
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by I don't advise »

She will tell " not I addressed you, and you me". Also it will begin to vyyobyvatsya as the faggot.
I don't advise
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by I don't advise »

At once in video conference call. Yes will only refuse because it is the faggot. If refuses - the faggot means
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] hetzer [/ref] ,

I am boring, I don't sleep with children, it won't be interesting to you.

And yes, I still this as there him... faggot... still I will entice where I will make something bad...
Name of the website
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by Name of the website »

Aha, refuses, means precisely the
And name of the website "Incest problem" Here problem incest forums:there are no women, some faggots pose as them. This is also a problem an incest forums.
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , is too written childly here. Unfortunately, it is more than a half here, these are chatterboxes
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Loco92 [/ref] , completely I share your opinion
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Evgenii75 [/ref] , and it enrages. Here real people come will share experience, to ask council, will share experiences, and as a result see as 13-year vask copy and insert cheap sex - stories
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

It is possible in the telegram in a private message to communicate to you?
Aversiya Seksualnaya
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by Aversiya Seksualnaya »

I agree with you [quote=Loco92 post_id=3816 time=1654082150 user_id=403]
Evgenii75, and it enrages. Here real people come will share experience, to ask council, will share experiences, and as a result see as 13-year vask copy and insert cheap sex - stories
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Nastya Tryapkina [/ref] , send a private message
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by Not »

[ref] Loco92 [/ref] , is offensive another:women come to ask council, and him suggest to meet (clear for what). Also consider that if someone wrote about sex, then it in order that exactly it or all sufferers to invite to themselves for satisfaction of sexual need of those someone can't interest women in reality (because of the appearance) and that someone doesn't have enough money for prostitutes.

Or want to save on prostitutes. And if to go far they pass to Wirth. It like a phone sex, is only free. At them isn't enough even for a phone sex. Here such schnook here also hangs around.
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

The author found to himself the website for trolling.
incest guest
 Re:Дроч дроч, пидадроч.

Post by incest guest »

:good: but at school it is weakened!
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