After the delivery women become lesbians Incest-coffee shop

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 After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by Realist »

Yes calm down you. After the delivery women become lesbians. During pregnancy or at the time of delivery there is a hormonal failure. Hormonal failure - it men's hormones becomes more than a half, and all is already lesbianism. So nothing at you will turn out.
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

I don't exclude it. My mother had rather strange relationship with the girlfriend. I didn't see lesbian relationship, but... It is a lot of strange, often retired, sometimes I saw how touched each other for intimate places, seemingly accidentally. At me, probably, restrained.
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by Realist »

Yes scientists found out that almost all women of the lesbian and other Bi. Just all hidden, don't admit. And on the street to look:All women in men's wear of black color. And that is less than men in black clothes. And a short hairstyle - sign of the lesbian. And shop assistants - in most of the lesbian (they have a hatred to men and it is visible, they in every possible way defiantly show it)
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Realist of post_id=3306 time=1651645881 user_id=1]
Yes scientists found out that almost all women of the lesbian and other Bi. Just all hidden, don't admit. And on the street to look:All women in men's wear of black color. And that is less than men in black clothes. And a short hairstyle - sign of the lesbian.

Mother at one time had a short hairstyle and. And this thirst for a joint privacy.
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by Realist »

And still bigender are (Bee). They generally on the floor. Their orientation changes depending on weather, food and other factors (I ate something not that is bang! orientation I exchanged :ROFL:.). (Information from quite official medical sites).
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by Realist »

That is:the short period when they are interested in an opposite sex and then the long period when they are interested in same-sex relationships (at them the periods).
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Realist of post_id=3310 time=1651647085 user_id=1]
That is:the short period when they are interested in an opposite sex and then the long period when they are interested in same-sex relationships (at them the periods).

Mother with the girlfriend were at one time really unseparable. During this period mother was shortly cut. Everything coincides, it turns out.
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by Realist »

All women - lesbians! All in men's wear of black color, all have a hatred to men (almost always so with rare exception).

On the website " 2015" there is article "The British scientists found out that all women of the lesbian and the bisexual".

The website "" isn't called yellow press. And the British scientists have diplomas of Harvard. It is MSU not some there.
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

It isn't necessary to confuse that the lesbian, or bi, lesbians are often not especially attractive, and bi just love men and don't mind girlfriends.

I for example communicated and seldom someone said that kissed the girlfriend, with mother somehow didn't notice also with girlfriends too not all
But for example many girls fell in love with girlfriends, teachers and learned to kiss the girlfriend, I think pregnancy not and,

could change a floor, would try and there was an imagination, turned into the girlfriend and went home and cut, or in soul washed and tried to kiss, there will be an excuse not of the lesbian and I will tell too, just girls can give a high to the girlfriend.
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

Well it is outright trolling or рофл.
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

It is rather not lesbians and bisexuals, here mine after the delivery wanted to try with the girl, I found and we met жмж and I long observed as the wife with the girl lasuatsya... not to express it in words and it is necessary to see. Well then began to develop this subject further and still there were girls)
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

Absolute nonsense. Sexual orientation will change nothing. The craniocereberal trauma isn't counted.
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by _____ »

[ref] Imker [/ref] , is easily disproved:after rape, for example, women become lesbians. After rape there is hatred to men and women become lesbians. And are exposed to rape, probably, many women. Just not everyone writes applications.
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

Babies are fragile and vulnerable, and it is clear that mothers lose interest in sex because the instinct prompts to them to direct all the energy to education of the child.
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by Homophobe »

And remember:not so long ago girls wore "women's" trousers (with the fitted bum). Today everything is real in men's trousers. Even during a heat there is nobody in shorts. Only in men's trousers. And behavior, by the way lesbian - run up in the parties at approach of guys.

The narrow sidewalk, towards the girl or the woman, bypass on a grass, on dirt, on the swamp some. To men in general it is all the same even if by them you will take place in a padded jacket.
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

My spouse after the delivery showed bisexuality. Even is able to afford liberty of type to take the girlfriend for a breast or the back for fun now.
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by _____ »

And to the husband for certain I began to give less often, the head began "to hurt" more often because it the woman wants. Among men they look for only ideal or for the grandma, and the woman give any to them. Just like yokels, a muzhlansky brain in a female body.
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Realist [/ref] , I too лесбиян. Without women I can't.))
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

I read comments here means where all scientists got to
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

What to hell чушня)))
incest guest
 Re:After the delivery women become lesbians

Post by incest guest »

And guys after the delivery become gays
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