Garlic and incestStories about incest

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 Garlic and incest

Post by Angrily »

Garlic and incest

Once on ambulance brought to surgical office the girl of fourteen years with an abdominal cavity pains. At a palpatorny research of a stomach the girl screamed from pain, but all bryushinny reflexes were negative. In other words, pain arose in a stomach not where it should arise, and reaction has to be absolutely another.

In the beginning it was watched by pediatricians, therapists surveyed from all directions. Did roentgenoscopy of an abdominal cavity, but didn't reveal any pathology. The turn reached surgeons. All of us in turn examined it and we can understand nothing., It seems, complains of a stomach, and no surgical pathology comes to light.

— Most that interesting children — we discussed the patient in a staffroom — I press fingers on a stomach in a point of a worm-shaped shoot, she directly shouts from pain. It is worth taking away only a hand when most likely and there have to be pains at inflammation of a peritoneum, the patient says that there are no pains — reflected <
— Yes, the main thing analyses all normal — K. attentively considered forms and couldn't understand from where such pains at the patient — slightly you will press a stomach, and she already shouts.

— No to do diagnostic laparotomy, there is no sense — continued K. — let's observe day, two, three. We will consult with A. G., she will prompt that to do to us.

In the morning our patient gave a big candle of temperature. At measurement of morning temperature, the thermometer read off scale almost under forty degrees. Sisters rolled to our patient lytic mix and drove temperature. Already at a morning round, and it was ten o'clock in the morning, temperature was normalized and during the day didn't increase any more. Evening temperature kept within norm. For all day watched the girl several times. But the clinical picture was same poor. We press the patient shouts at a stomach from pain, sharply we take away a hand — any pains. There were no indications for
The next morning new jump of temperature. To a morning round it is again normalized and the whole day doesn't raise. The patient lies to herself in chamber, reads the book and as soon as she notices the doctor or the nurse, begins to groan. Blood tests and urine it is normal. We can understand nothing. Here I don't remember any more at someone the thought came that the patient can feign. But here what reason? Summertime. Vacation. It isn't necessary to go to school. Now all children rush down the street, and this prefers to lie in surgery and all the time asks when it operate.

So repeated within several days. I watched it and A. G. and I didn't find any indications for operation, but I advised us:

— Guys, most likely, she feigns, but here in what the reason, I can't understand! Yes, by the way, to her the family comes?

— Time has come the father. So she didn't want to see him and refused to meet him. That loafed about a little in the accident ward and went to the country/>
— I here think that the reason is in her relationship with the relatives — A.G. assumed — It is necessary to talk to patients on her chamber, let they will track that she does in a toilet, maybe, what medicine takes. Well, temperature to forty degrees can't just like that jump. It does something there. Talk to patients, let they will observe it. Moreover tell the patient that in a day or two we will write out her from a hospital home.

After morning jumps of temperature our patient within several days felt well. Any temperature in Saturday and Sunday days weren't observed. On a morning round we declared that we will write out it home soon. Called one of the recovering women in a staffroom and led with her a discussion. Asked to look after our girl, especially when she goes to a toilet. But you, probably, now also don't guess what toilets were in hospitals earlier. All on a look, any doors and locks and if desired everything it is possible to see. Here our voluntary informer also I noticed that our temperaturyashchy patient, long pottered in a toilet and tried, with itself to make something.

— I descended, I in a toilet with Nastya, made all the affairs and I say:Nastyukh, you give quicker, I on big wanted something! And that to me in reply:Wait a little, the aunt Masha, I now … And itself, took something in a hand and tries to thrust to itself into a bottom, well I, of course, showed no sign. I waited for her, I descended in a toilet, though I didn't want and at once to you, imperceptibly I came. The girl, is in chamber now, at all temperature is measured.

— Well, thanks, Maria Nikolaevna — thanked her K. — yes, by the way, you didn't notice that she to herself inserted into a bottom?

— No, I didn't consider, it was sick small.

After leaving of the patient I offered children:

— Give, we will argue on a bottle that now temperature will jump up again!

- Yes, here and without dispute clearly that there will be a jump of temperature — I agreed
And precisely, doesn't pass also five minutes as the sister on point duty runs and already immediately shouts:

— Our patient again temperature has doctors under forty. What to prick her?

— Wait, to prick, call our patient more better here. We will talk to her once again now we will look.

Sat down at the tables and we wait for arrival of our patient. Approximately in ten minutes at a door shy knocked, and our girl comes. On appearance it was also impossible to tell that she has some surgical
— Well, Nastya — there began a conversation Ivkin — we at you surgical found nothing, there is nothing to operate at you and therefore we write out you home. Now we will call your village and we will ask that your father arrived for you. Yes, by the way, and why you never had mother in hospital. The father, here several times came, and mother never.

— She can't, is ill, paralyzed her all, she doesn't go, year will be already soon.

— Well, it is all the same more best than the house, than here in
— And why you write out me? I have a high temperature. I can't be allowed to go home! I am a
— We watch nearly two weeks you, and there is no disease, any at you. Give phone of the father more better, we will call him now.

— It isn't necessary to call! I don't want — the girl cried and sobbed violently. — I hate him!

— Well, so tell what at you happened — K. asked — can, we then won't discharge you from
— However, don't write out? And? — with hope in a voice Nastya sobbed, smearing tears on the person. — I will tell everything-everything to you, only don't send me home …. When mother got sick, the father at first looked after her, tried to facilitate her state, but he came home drunk once and I began to stick to me. I as could, beat off, but where to me to cope, here he also raped me, the native daughter. Mother guessed already then that between us occurred, but very strictly forbade me to go to complain somewhere. The father already just didn't begin mother to hesitate, that lies immobilized in a bed, and he rapes me. And so nearly an every day. And if drunk comes, then still begins to beat. Mother only also says to me that I suffered. How to me to suffer? Already everything hurts me. I will kill him when he strongly drunk gets drunk. Doctors, pretty, please, don't write out me home. Perform on me some operation more better. More better I here will lie down month, than to go home ….

We sat in a staffroom and from her story just couldn't recover. On psychiatric diseases at institute studied this pathology, but here what pathology? The father sleeps with the daughter! Incest! Here to you and incest in the most unattractive form. In the village, in the distance from the city and such customs. Yes, it is necessary not to treat the father in hospital here, and to put simply in prison for seduction of the juvenile person. And it is even more best to knock him on the head with something heavy that such filth didn't go on the ground. But what was to do from this patient, and, however, not home to write out her!

— All right, Nastya calm down, we won't discharge you from hospital — Sh. told — but, you understand also us, we you can't in hospital eternally moreover to keep in a surgical hospital. Here constantly places are necessary, itself you see how many here operations becomes. Well, two we will take weeks — having thought, Sh. told — the truth, doctors?

— We will take, but it is no more than two weeks — supported him by K., but then it is necessary, something to do? Can invite the district police officer? The militia knows more better what in such cases to do. And I also don't know, as to undertake? And so, let lies.

— Will you, me, the truth leave in hospital? — Nastya was delighted — here
— We will leave, we will leave, only you, please, tell from what it at you temperature so increases in the morning? — I took an interest.

— One patient taught me — the girl began to tell — it is necessary before measurement of temperature, to insert into a rectum a garlic segment …

— Will burn down so intolerably — I shuddered <
— Of course, жгёт, but temperature increases. Could you guess?

— Yes, here already you will definitely not guess — I murmured To and I left a
— Nastya. You are more, don't put garlic in … this … well you understand. All right, agreed?

— I so won't do any more, but also you take me two more
When the girl left, we sat together with Sh. and digested everything heard. To declare now in militia, so far there something will be undertaken, the father also can kill the child. Without having guessed anything, all of us decided to tell the chief physician about this case. What there he undertook, we don't know, but, having kept Nastya two more weeks, wrote out her home. Only also learned that not the father met her in hospital, and there arrived the relative and took away to herself home.
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

*x) It is necessary a Torah...t the father
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

It was necessary to insert to her father a head of garlic into a bum more deeply.
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

More similar to imaginations of *x)
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

How many stories I read and only in a word I can express:Horror
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

it is not an incest, violence.
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

Some silly story.
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

Full tin *x) I hope it the invented story
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

Imagination not the Imagination, and doctors were obliged to declare in police and service of guardianship.
incest guest
 Re:Garlic and incest

Post by incest guest »

Che some nonsense. Doctors are obliged to declare to cops all cases of violence.
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