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About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 06 Oct 2022, 06:24
by incest guest
Quite often in my address claims a pier I only sound and I do that I notice others errors I cling to them and I pull down their charming imagination, and they so try invent all details of the pseudo-relationship with the diverse
But here trouble … The attempt to improve and at last to believe in the story by one beginner brought practically besides to result. The person got into a fuss and started shouting that I am such silly woman and most of people are so silly that be not able to understand special love …

And to what all this is asked by you?

I will begin to develop, perhaps, a new subject at a forum …

In return, I promise …

Any imaginations or lies I will publish only the truth of nothing except the truth and yes all non-believers will be helped by the Internet, and with necessary links will try to provide. And as a bonus not always, but whenever possible there will be also photos so hotly favourite by many at a

I will begin as soon as this post gathers a little likes …

Or, as soon as there will be a suitable mood …

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 06 Oct 2022, 09:06
by incest guest
[quote=katerina68 post_id=10342 time=1665051865 user_id=171]
I will publish only the truth of nothing except the truth

Good afternoon!

What will a first of published there be?)

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 25 minutes 39 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] ,

It is possible to write to hp))

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 06 Oct 2022, 18:08
by incest guest
Mm... very curiously)

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 56 minutes 5 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , hi ₽

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 04:36
by incest guest
An intrigue it is direct, drocher got into trousers in an anticipation of awesome history)

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 10:14
by incest guest
[quote=katerina68 post_id=10342 time=1665051865 user_id=171]
Quite often in my address claims a pier I only sound and I do that I notice others errors I cling to them and I pull down their charming imagination

Well you never know can were alarmed here and are indignant

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 13:12
by incest guest
[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , you will Pull down "charming imagination" constant))) How there was history truthful, children all the same finish drawing their most intimate dreams. On myself I know-) to Me many years, and the childhood I always remember how time of "the missed opportunities" with mother. And somewhere at forums in communication with women constantly I invent. And at that my age and the more so the boy of "brains" has no man and can't be, kind of you weren't puffed up here, their system of of sex symbols. So here so "my adults"-)))

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 09 Oct 2022, 15:39
by incest guest
[quote= Vadim post_id=10389 time=1665162730 user_id=1924]
How there was history truthful, children all the same finish drawing their most intimate dreams.

To embellish something from this that was and frankly to lie about that what wasn't...

These are quite different

And you to it for some reason put an equal-sign.

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 09 Oct 2022, 15:47
by incest guest
Likely You're right, initially all stories local don't cost attention. But all the same a conversation after all on imagination, and this lies-)))

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 11 Oct 2022, 07:58
by incest guest
Here nearly a week from a promise something new and
So it is possible to begin.

Quite many at a forum write how remarkably they spend time with children as from the early childhood touch and caress … places pointimny … ignoring the legislation concerning sexual inviolability of minors regardless of any
And, perhaps, not superfluous will periodically publish stories just on what happens for so special love to


In Saratov the sentence is pronounced to the 57-year-old man who raped the daughter. The Investigation Department of the Russian Investigative Committee of the

By court it is established that during the period from April, 2019 to August of last year the man repeatedly made actions of sexual nature concerning the daughter, which 12 years now. Besides, in July of this year he raped the

It was succeeded to reveal crime thanks to vigilance of citizens. In August of last year the man was with the daughter on the beach located in the Volga district. Actions of the father in relation to the girl guarded one of vacationers. He called police officers.

"During the investigation of criminal case by investigators the considerable volume of the investigative actions directed to full, comprehensive and objective investigation is carried out. During inspection of the computer of the man the photo and video records with the image of the juvenile victim which were authentically confirming commission concerning her the father of illegal acts were revealed. Thanks to laborious and consecutive work investigators managed to collect all necessary proofs", - it is said in the statement/>

The court took for completely granted commission by the defendant of all acts incriminated to him. The man is found guilty according to the Paragraph of Part 4 of Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the rape with use of a helpless condition of the victim committed concerning the person which didn't reach 14-year age) and on 41 episodes of the Paragraph of Part 4 of Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (other actions of sexual nature with use of a helpless condition of the victim made concerning the person which didn't reach 14-year age).

The court verdict to him imposed sentence in the form of 15 years of imprisonment with serving in maximum security penal colony, with restriction of freedom for a period of one and a half years.

Re:Amusing stories and not really successful coincidence.

Posted: 18 Oct 2022, 03:51
by 888
:read: *x) :read: :muza: *x)

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 18 Oct 2022, 07:31
by Opinion of psychologists
The psychologist Veronika Stepanova in Youtube speaks " pedophiles give warmly to children".

If it is pleasant to children why to punish for it if it voluntarily, without violence?

Gays were forbidden when that too, and they spoke "why we are put if it voluntarily?".

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 04:58
by incest guest
[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10883 time=1666092673 user_id=1]
The psychologist Veronika Stepanova in Youtube speaks " pedophiles give warmly to children".

And a concrete reference it is possible?

As such channel really is, but concerning this subject there are only videos about treatment of the victims of pedophilia, but as that it "warmly to children" as you deigned to call similar. Or at least some link to official materials where pedophiles and other tyrants will be described as benefactors for

Though I think the answer there will be words in style "And look for to me laziness"

Without uniform confirmation of so big words that pedophiles are benefactors for

[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10883 time=1666092673 user_id=1]
If it is pleasant to children why to punish for it if it voluntarily, without violence?

There is a law on sexual inviolability of children. Also there are numerous publications on the fact that the child isn't ready to similar form of relationship neither psychologically nor physically.

Words that it "is pleasant" the words of those someone tries to rehabilitate somehow pedophilia and violence over the child.

[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10883 time=1666092673 user_id=1]
Gays were forbidden when that too, and they spoke "why we are put if it voluntarily?".

Gays, full age.

It is very silly to compare seduction and violence over the child and sexual orientation of adults.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 05:58
by Opinion of psychologists
[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , in Yandex you print "Veronika Stepanova about pedophilia" then on Video. The top roller - which is necessary. From above there address

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 06:03
by Opinion of psychologists
Duration 20:03 (not to mix)

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 06:36
by incest guest
[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10910 time=1666173827 user_id=1]
Duration 20:03 (not to mix)

[youtube] XWJUfmx49qM [/youtube]

It hour?

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 06:51
by Opinion of psychologists

About full age:it is authorized from the 16th, it is authorized with minors.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 07:00
by incest guest
[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10914 time=1666176706]

About full age:it is authorized from the 16th, it is authorized with minors.

Total …

About a roller that about allegedly the pedophile – heat to children


The first minute of a roller, pedophilia as part of more serious mental


The second minute about difference, the tyrant, to which all the same someone and the pedophile who tests thirst for the


Starting with the third and a half a minute …

Sex in Islam in very poor countries the Islamic countries. From first lines it is about sale of children with which in a consequence have sex. Are sure that trade in children as goods is appropriate?


Since fifth minute …

That as the pedophile under the influence of the thirst for children can choose the corresponding professions. Further how pedophiles present the desire as a game. Here is how time about that, as local fans of children like to describe.

And probably, just what you called heat of pedophiles

The truth took out of a context that the speech all the same goes about a form of violence over the

Further in the same place that pedophiles are an often raped children and the victims of an incest. Here the fact that the choice of the pedophile of the child is a cowardice and weakness with the adult woman he feels weak, i.e. looks for someone over someone can dominate. And low


Since the thirteenth minute …

That consequences that from the male girl that from the female boy in fact are equally serious, and the difference in perception from outside is explained by


Since the fifteenth minute …

The words of the psychologist that up to 18 years the child elementary doesn't understand the nature of a similar relationship. And here allegedly mutual sex and all similar about outfoxing and a


Since the eighteenth minute …

How one of parents closes eyes to


And in what from this you saw a thought that pedophiles give heat?

And what it something good?

The similar relation for them it just is also a
That mask which they so love to give the lust and unhealthy desire of a children's body under the guise of love

Only took one phrase out of the general context/>
All video that similar is a disease and abnormality from any

So isn't present.

This yours...

[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10883 time=1666092673 user_id=1]
The psychologist Veronika Stepanova in Youtube speaks " pedophiles give warmly to children".

If it is pleasant to children why to punish for it if it voluntarily, without violence?

Even close has no relation to sense of her speech.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 07:08
by Opinion of psychologists
[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , since the eighth minute to the words " I pay with sex for heat, attention, care and тд ".

And about an incest she tells in other rollers too.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 07:15
by incest guest
[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10916 time=1666177704 user_id=1]
katerina68, since the eighth minute to the words " I pay with sex for heat, attention, care and тд ".

And about an incest she tells in other rollers too.

She tells that under the pretext of "care" pedophiles gain the confidence of the
Typical for pedophiles,

They are practically all such...

In the same way as well as maniacs who "tenderly" entice children promising them candy or a toy or still that.

Tenderly I rumpled
Lasky stroked a
Lasky embraced the

All her speech that it is a disease and
That you probably ignore and you hear only "caress" "love" "heat" "care"

Though probably for you similar is "love of children"

Special such love, pedofilny...

I caressed the
And it is normal...

Already good uncle...

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 07:21
by Opinion of psychologists
[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , I not from such (first).

Just psychologists can't go against official opinion of the state therefore they are forced to speak as it is written in textbooks on which them learned. Otherwise to them there will be questions from the state and they will have problems up to deprivation of an academic degree under a pretext "you learn not according to textbooks".

But she speaks about this phenomenon quietly, criticizes moderately and tells as well about positive sides of this phenomenon.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 07:30
by Opinion of psychologists
"good the uncle" write. For some reason you have no claims to "good aunties" which caress genitals of boys

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 07:34
by incest guest
[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10918 time=1666178493 user_id=1]
But she speaks about this phenomenon quietly, criticizes moderately and tells as well about positive sides of this phenomenon.


Probably words about that as pedophiles in the desires of a children's little body gain the confidence of the child it is a positive side...

I gave candy... I stroked... it is possible and to climb in pants... I took care...

And quietly she tells for that simple reason that she is a professional, this elementary ability to behave and to competently present material, without shouting of shout and


[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10918 time=1666178493 user_id=1]
I not from such (first).


You already at least write that pedophilia is a warmth and care and
What does you by the obvious supporter of pedophilia and involvement of children in sexual the


[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10918 time=1666178493 user_id=1]
Just psychologists can't go against official opinion of the state therefore they are forced to speak as it is written in textbooks on which them learned. Otherwise to them there will be questions from the state and they will have problems up to deprivation of an academic degree under a pretext "you learn not according to textbooks".

And what is told to hell all works and works of many psychologists from many countries on consequences of similar "care" from pedophiles of all


[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10919 time=1666179039 user_id=1]
"good the uncle" write. For some reason you have no claims to "good aunties" which caress genitals of boys

In the same way is...

Here even I emphasized a thought from the speech of the

[quote=katerina68 post_id=10915 time=1666177239 user_id=171]
Since the thirteenth minute …

That consequences that from the male girl that from the female boy in fact are equally serious, and the difference in perception from outside is explained by sexism.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 07:47
by Opinion of psychologists
[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , I wrote that words about heat it the words of the psychologist but not mine. You distort however.

She speaks for example " children's home children have no care of parents and only pedophiles can give them it" and speaks "Children speak "I do something strange" but not "awful", notice.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 07:54
by Opinion of psychologists
And if the child doesn't stop the relation with the pedophile and continues to meet him again and again what it speaks about? It is pleasant to he (she) means.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 08:06
by Opinion of psychologists
And you descend in chat Here to you there will tell both about an incest and about pedophilia.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 08:11
by incest guest
[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10922 time=1666180038 user_id=1]
She speaks for example " children's home children have no care of parents and only pedophiles can give them it" and speaks "Children speak "I do something strange" but not "awful", notice.

That is, the pedophile what covets the child as a sexual object and presents the draft as care is the benefactor for the child?


It is possible to tell even the motto for supporters of
Parents don't care? - Will take care


[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10922 time=1666180038 user_id=1]
I wrote that words about heat it the words of the psychologist but not mine. You distort however.

It not her
In her context this "heat", is a way to approach the

You pulled out one phrase from the whole roller and you equate it to care of the

You focus attention that sex with the child is admissible up to 18 years

[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10914 time=1666176706 user_id=1]
About full age:it is authorized from the 16th, it is authorized with minors.

You write that allegedly psychologists criticize pedophilia on a pointer

[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10918 time=1666178493 user_id=1]
Just psychologists can't go against official opinion of the state therefore they are forced to speak as it is written in textbooks on which them learned. Otherwise to them there will be questions from the state and they will have problems up to deprivation of an academic degree under a pretext "you learn not according to textbooks".

In the speech of this specific psychologist you attribute it that what isn't present.

That allegedly pedophilia has positive sides though all video that it is pathology anyway

[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10918 time=1666178493 user_id=1]
But she speaks about this phenomenon quietly, criticizes moderately and tells as well about positive sides of this phenomenon.

So isn't present.

I distort nothing.

You directly write that pedophiles show love and


[quote= " opinion of psychologists" post_id=10923 time=1666180440 user_id=1]
And if the child doesn't stop the relation with the pedophile and continues to meet him again and again what it speaks about? It is pleasant to he (she) means.

Even close isn't present.

In your roller there are words about it what the child can not understand what occurs and can be afraid to tell.

And in this context the child himself isn't able to resist to the adult, than and use

And everything in the same roller is words that those someone have to protect the child can tolerate pedophiles.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 08:22
by Opinion of psychologists.
After such long paragraph it is possible to put a fat end. I am not going to read hundred pages and to answer claims from each line. All lies. And finally:well the most obvious lies is about 18 years:deputies established age of consent with the 16th.

I told "Everything" everything means, and it is senseless to address me further though to you it probably " as peas about a wall" and "though a stake on the mother-in-law head" if address the person who told that the conversation is ended. We look someone now it will be a stupid ram.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 08:33
by incest guest
[quote= " opinion of psychologists." post_id=10926 time=1666182121 user_id=1]
After such long paragraph it is possible to put a fat end. I am not going to read hundred pages and to answer claims from each line. All lies. And finally:well the most obvious lies is about 18 years:deputies established age of consent with the 16th.

I told "Everything" everything means, and it is senseless to address me further though to you it probably " as peas about a wall" and "though a stake on the mother-in-law head" if address the person who told that the conversation is ended. We look someone now it will be a stupid ram.

Here and nicely...

But you good fellow. Not everyone will decide to defend clemency of pedophilia for
And there are no times of arguments you any more, there are only children's rims and

You aren't able, don't undertake...

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 23:33
by Мн п
The author of a subject probably doesn't know where is. On this website advertizing with photos from child porn. Means at administration of the website such bents.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 23:49
by incest guest
[b] this week. [/b]

Just I looked for the next business on an incest of pedophilia and the criminal code when the next character with a statement, so lovely for local inhabitants, came to a forum pedophiles bear heat to children. And even I attributed these words to the
However contents of a roller which was confirmed that yes it is that roller contradict a similar statement a little, and words about heat and care were taken out of a context/>
Without having managed to use opinion of the psychologist on pedophilia and violence in favor of this pedophilia and violence over children, the character got into a fuss and left, having left the adherents without

But nevertheless …

The unknown expert, that tried to write the
Though the attempt also was in advance bad and without prospects, thanks. The roller for me was interesting, as well as the friend of the publication of this
The truth they not strongly will help fans of babes, even won't help … not in their advantage it at all … but everything you won't please …

I will duplicate once again the link to a
[youtube] XWJUfmx49qM [/youtube]

We look and ponder upon opinion of the real practicing psychologist on a question of similar. (Greetings to one more old character giving himself for the practicing psychologist and his speeches about mothers to the helping babes and also a frazochka sex in a vagina together with his mail and other jambs).

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 00:00
by M п
This roller can be considered a grant for pedophiles as she tells as as pedophiles do, tells as it is necessary to meet correctly children as to convince them that didn't tell and тд.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 01:58
by incest guest
To take 5-10 men and to remove with her бенг, she couldn't go then :-)

About a subject, incest one, and children another.

Apropos it is pleasant, nothing difficult, to find the girl young, to teach her to sex, and isn't present difficult that she cumed also at each meeting,

as skilled will give her a high, and to teach not to deliver difficult her, there are hands, legs, shouted.

That is why to use her when it is possible to bring up the mistress under itself and experience at her will be.

And even if to her 18, and she modest and the ave., then doesn't mean what in 20 it won't be a whore and the
Also as in 15, can bring the child both to be good mother and to live with the husband up to old age <.br/>

There are also exceptions, will allow mother's sister, or the teacher, and mother left for a month and left on education of the son, temporarily,

comes, and the teacher (the sister, the neighbor, the colleague from work) naked in his bed, I don't consider that roughly 99% seduced the son and it is necessary to punish,

as the guy himself for certain dreamed about them and wanted to fuck, and here the man, options,

I used, or force

I took the little girl, or I became her teacher to the first.

By experience in school, our girls were squeezed in 13-14 years, schoolmates and many don't mind were, to us with the friend climbed too.

It still was before disintegration of the union, and now in 12 looks on 18 and already at 11-12 someone watches a porn.

And just in shelters, there guys and girls study sex and age allows and nobody will punish also the guy not for 30-40, there

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 02:09
by M п
At us at 11-12 felt up maids for boobs, in 13 they didn't give it any more. Now parents so dress the girls (even preschool age):the fitting shorts, and under them it is visible that is allocated thongs or almost thongs.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 02:54
by M п
At some in 11 already such boobs that in a hand of the peer aren't located. And maids even of preschool age look to men at trousers to the area of the dick.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 03:11
by M п
Oh, words are in the video there (after the 17th minute):"children look for at pedophiles of heat, care, attention, caress". Notice:look for.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 03:59
by incest guest
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=10954 time=1666245522 user_id=120]
that nothing difficult to find the girl young

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=10954 time=1666245522 user_id=120]
And even if to her 18, and she modest and the ave., then doesn't mean what in 20 it won't be a whore and the pervert.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=10954 time=1666245522 user_id=120]
Also as in 15, can bring the child

Taking into account these two lines, the young girl is a minor
Especially pregnancy in 15.

Probably it is normal that the girl at the 14th summer age will already begin to be fucked.

And to a
Your words it is already promotion of this pedophilia that already Article 6.21 and/or 20.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

Though time write it, that for you sexual harassments and corruption concerning minors probably standard of behavior.

As well as words about that to become for the child the sex teacher.


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=10954 time=1666245522 user_id=120]
There are also exceptions, will allow mother's sister, or the teacher, and mother left for a month and left on education of the son, temporarily,

comes, and the teacher (the sister, the neighbor, the colleague from work) naked in his bed, I don't consider that roughly 99% seduced the son and it is necessary to punish,

as the guy himself for certain dreamed about them and wanted to fuck,

And it is called
From psychology there is no difference.

The child not himself stacks the adult
She takes him.

Though of course you can write a lot about "alpha male" at early
Smart lover... extensive experience... probably already about one hundred movies I reconsidered.


[quote= " M п" post_id=10960 time=1666249915 user_id=1]
Oh, words are in the video there (after the 17th minute):"children look for at pedophiles of heat, care, attention, caress". Notice:look for.


Either you or your yesterday's fellow on love to a young little body of the child and pedophilia I spoke most too.

And everything that before and after these words can and be ignored.

And the fact that children aren't ready to similar neither psychologically nor physically both laws and all experiment of many psychologists on the matter to you it isn't important.

I heard one phrase... I took out of a context... also carries her as a flag...

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 04:21
by M п
Yes this psychologist made a good mine at a bad game:At first I told about positive sides of pedophilia and then at once "isn't present, of course it is bad". That to it there were no claims.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 04:26
by incest guest
[quote= " M п" post_id=10963 time=1666254072 user_id=1]
Yes this psychologist made a good mine at a bad game:At first I told about positive sides of pedophilia and then at once "isn't present, of course it is bad". That to it there were no claims.

That you can call at least one positive side?

All roller completely tells about that as covet the
And words about heat and care which you select go in the context of that as pedophiles gain the confidence of the child of ABBA to achieve from him the desirable as works also any other

And probably the fact that the pedophile stroked and caressed the child later to satisfy the sexual requirements already sufficient basis to call him the benefactor for the child.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 05:25
by M п
[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , initially it says that not each pedophile is a tyrant. And in her video about an incest she tells that daughters in 3-5 years tempt the father as the woman.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 05:31
by M п
I mind any violence and coercion. Any sex has to be voluntary, in consent. If it is pleasant to her - can continue a relationship with sex. If it isn't pleasant - just stop a relationship.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 05:44
by incest guest
[quote= " M п" post_id=10967 time=1666257950 user_id=1]
initially she says that not each pedophile is a tyrant.

That which by image doesn't do it "good".

The difference is only a way to achieve
One takes by force, another


[quote= " M п" post_id=10968 time=1666258297 user_id=1]
I mind any violence and coercion. Any sex has to be voluntary, in consent. If it is pleasant to her - can continue a relationship with sex

But you obviously try to push a thought of admissibility and acceptability of a sexual relationship with the child under the pretext of his
And that all psychiatry and psychoanalysis, numerous works and publications say that it bears harm you probably ignore.

As well as the fact that any giving of pedophilia and its so-called "care and heat" is a way to achieve from the child

So you at least supporter of
Kind of you didn't call it though love though care, somehow still.


[quote= " M п" post_id=10968 time=1666258297 user_id=1]
If it isn't pleasant - just stop a relationship.

It you about the child that neither physically nor morally nor intellectually nor which in the way I am not capable to resist to the adult.

Good course...

In the idea of a relationship between the pedophile and the child to make responsible the child, the pier if isn't pleasant to it.

And the pedophile, he takes the young child in consent. He caressed him...

Well just noble person... careful...

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 05:54
by M п
The psychologist speaks also about children's home children. What life at them?:There are no parents, there is no care of parents, all beat, malnutrition. Not that sweet, candies, ice cream, chocolate, fruit, bread elicit in eatery. What will they remember after orphanage?

After acquaintance to the adult such child receives care, attention, hugs and тд. Normal food will eat in enough, plus fruit, ice cream, candies, chocolate.

As it is told - compare a difference. And that it is necessary to pay off with something so it he let decides:next day he can not come to a meeting.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 06:03
by incest guest
[quote= " M п" post_id=10970 time=1666259697 user_id=1]
The psychologist speaks also about children's home children. What life at them?:There are no parents, there is no care of parents, all beat, malnutrition. Not that sweet, candies, ice cream, chocolate, fruit, bread elicit in eatery. What will they remember after orphanage?


Poor things <>

And here comes to the rescue the loving careful and attentive
And in replacements to him that is also necessary, a breast to feel all, to get into panties... and in a bed to lay...

Such image pedophile hero, huh?

Also will be what to remember how the uncle in pants climbed and the dick showed...



[quote= " M п" post_id=10970 time=1666259697 user_id=1]
After acquaintance to the adult such child receives care, attention, hugs and тд. Normal food will eat in enough, plus fruit, ice cream, candies, chocolate.

And this at you especially successfully turned out.

Exchange of a children's little body for candies and

It seems as the child go here, candy you want? Then remove panties and let's play with you.

Classical such image of the sex maniac eager for children.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 06:09
by M п
And in "hospital" play at what age? Too - boys show the dick to the same little girls. Only there is nothing to show still.

The sexy maniac is a tyrant. I mind any violence.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 06:18
by incest guest
[quote= " M п" post_id=10973 time=1666260594 user_id=1]
The sexy maniac is a tyrant.

Sex maniac and tyrant this
The word "maniac" comes from a phrase "a maniacal state", i.e. obsession any
The word "tyrant" from


[quote= " M п" post_id=10973 time=1666260594 user_id=1]
I mind any violence.

Yes, minds.

But for
You once again try to pick up arguments that the similar attitude towards the child it is normal.


[quote= " M п" post_id=10973 time=1666260594 user_id=1]
And in "hospital" play at what age? Too - boys show the dick to the same little girls.

Your next

To level the interest of children in a difference between the girl and the
To sexual desires of the adult to incline the child to sex.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 06:21
by M п
It is universal trend by the way - to speak out in defense of pedophilia. In the West the couple of such videos already is. In the West it is new fashion.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 06:25
by incest guest
[quote= " M п" post_id=10975 time=1666261265 user_id=1]
It is universal trend by the way - to speak out in defense pedophilia. In the West the couple of such videos already is. In the West it is new fashion.

Well well...

Join the ranks of pedophiles!

It is a new

I congratulate.

You in a trend.

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 06:38
by M п
Joining the ranks of the new organization, solemnly I promise to advance the idea of sexual education for prevention of early pregnancy. 🎀

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 21 Oct 2022, 11:46
by incest guest
[quote= " M п" post_id=10977 time=1666262314 user_id=1]
Joining the ranks of the new organization, solemnly I promise to advance the idea of sexual education for prevention of early pregnancy. 🎀

Well, you are cool, however!... 👍🤣

Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Posted: 23 Oct 2022, 07:44
by incest guest
Here a conversation not about violence, we will allow the adult, I agree that the woman can seduce the
And approximately so, let us assume, I come into a class, we will allow 7-8 class I study, the teacher says:" I like you, I would like to kiss you

and not only, it is possible to you we will come after lessons or if parents aren't, I want to spend the night at you, with you in a bed."

"I know that it is forbidden to sleep with pupils and you aren't 18 years old, but I want you, at the same time I will teach how to kiss and caress girls and so forth "about

"If I am not pleasant to you, then. about it and say to nobody, please, and that I will be dismissed"

I speak, and I roughly in a day understood to someone I would allow to me and to someone isn't present and I speak for example having joked:"Well, I will tell nobody, I didn't even think about you, nobody learns" (and having a little been kidding) "In these output parents at the dacha, there will be enough bed for two" and kiss her.

That is I already decide that I want that she spent the night at me, here in 1-2 class yes, I wouldn't understand, in 7m-8m I solve itself that I want with her

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 36 minutes 39 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

To Ekaterina:

About promotion, on the TV set was, discussed.

If I told, I that I here how cool to smoke, so good cigarettes and the ave., advise, then yes, it is
And if I told that I meet the schoolgirl, or with the guy he went to the cinema, nice it bloody nothing not
Also as I will tell that the guy from school stole phone from the teacher, it is not promotion of theft at juvenile

[quote= " M п" post_id=10951 time=1666238458 user_id=1]
This roller can be considered a grant for pedophiles as she tells as as pedophiles do, tells as it is necessary to meet correctly children as to convince them that didn't tell and тд.

Conversation, in principle foolish. I kissed the girl yesterday, she is 15 years old, well you are a pedophile, in a week, I kissed the girl yesterday and presented

to her stockings, well you are a pedophile, here bloody nothing, it became 16 years old and already she adult, and yes, then the good fellow <.br/>
Conclusion that yesterday it is a pedophile, in a week he is her guy, that is week separates from the law whether well it is silly as well stole, bad, through

week, he is subject to arrest and court, and to DR would steal, he got to children's
And here, week passed though call the man constantly, he under the law can live with it.

Besides laws for Roma and Africa different, will so just send, will tell your laws, your
And this I watched, at her in my opinion
I don't understand at all, Nikolaev slept with the Queen, Shnur slept with the schoolgirl, with the sister, Solovyov slept with Drubich and nobody told a word to them,

and the first-year student met the schoolgirl, to him then article, that is forgive to elite, as usual.