At someone was with the sleeping mother? Incest-coffee shop

Just a gazebo about life and about sex
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

can block
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Stock »

Someone should block there, there what is only not present...
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

I want the mummy someone will help council how to tempt, we live together
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

Wrote about it here. Prove as the man, flirt behind her, compliments, massage accidentally, alcohol. In the morning with a strut throw off a blanket, type you sleep naked... Itd
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

How you think, and mothers sleep precisely tight, or too wait for you?
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

she can pretends that she sleeps? And itself waits for it.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

if strongly drunk, then understands nothing and then doesn't remember as will wake up
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

And me it seems that they well know everything, and do the sleeping look that could enjoy them
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] the Birth [/ref] , I don't think
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Nik post_id=6058 time=1657580419 user_id=971] zero emotions [/quote]
There is a main thing as alcohol works.

I was at mother at work, there one drank and I think if I not got acquainted with the girl there, then to take away somehow in an office and there could fuck, then was sorry as the girl prodinamit

Still I know one, I think if to give to drink, then I could take too, on sober I didn't try to persuade, and so would go to neighbors and noted and would go

home, or itself would stick, or I tried to kiss and embrace.

When with the colleague at me, it is a pity noted a little and if to give to drink more, then it is interesting, and so few times drank, she at once then did blowjob to me that is cool.

That is someone is corrupted by alcohol, with those is cooler.

But not everything, girls two, didn't drink vodka, and champagne and beer not to standard, with another got drunk, she even drank too much me,

zero emotions though I also slept with her, it would be interesting that would get to me, or I began a mat to swear, or oral I wanted to me,

and so in any way.

Still there was a mistress, gave to drink decently, more better sleeping pill, I her fucked sleeping and photos nasnimat, and so it was almost chopped off,

but almost, that is any, I fucked her few times, she didn't remember already in the morning.

And with mother too, the standard 3-4 glasses of vodka can and gave a ride and when search, in principle just drunk if dared, I kissed, and there would see, but unfortunately, would look at lips and can wanted, but somehow didn't think then.
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

And me it is pleasant to play and to pose in a bed
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7472 time=1659853885 user_id=120]
There is a main thing as alcohol works.

I was at mother at work, there one drank and I think if I not got acquainted with the girl there, then to take away somehow in an office and there could fuck, then was sorry as the girl prodinamit

Still I know one, I think if to give to drink, then I could take too, on sober I didn't try to persuade, and so would go to neighbors and noted and would go

home, or itself would stick, or I tried to kiss and embrace.

When with the colleague at me, it is a pity noted a little and if to give to drink more, then it is interesting, and so few times drank, she at once then did blowjob to me that is cool.

That is someone is corrupted by alcohol, with those is cooler.

But not everything, girls two, didn't drink vodka, and champagne and beer not to standard, with another got drunk, she even drank too much me,

zero emotions though I also slept with her, it would be interesting that would get to me, or I began a mat to swear, or oral I wanted to me,

and so in any way.

Still there was a mistress, gave to drink decently, more better sleeping pill, I her fucked sleeping and photos nasnimat, and so it was almost chopped off,

but almost, that is any, I fucked her few times, she didn't remember already in the morning.

And with mother too, the standard 3-4 glasses of vodka can and gave a ride and when search, in principle just drunk if dared, I kissed, and there would see, but unfortunately, would look at lips and can wanted, but somehow didn't think then.

At mother at work it was possible to fuck its the got drunk
On sober I didn't try to persuade someone...

The colleague as got drunk so sucked off...

I gave to drink the mistress...

And the mother only after

On sober nobody gives, huh at all?

Absolutely nasty somehow...

As if it isn't necessary to anybody...
Last edited by andreas0003 on 07 Aug 2022, 13:43, edited 1 time in total.
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

All good fellows!!! Mine too on me jerks off and examines
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

With sleeping only it was also possible to tell)
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Birth of post_id=7488 time=1659894123 user_id=1]
All good fellows!!! Mine too on me jerks off and examines

It is pleasant to you? What do you feel at the same time?
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

Yes, it is pleasant. I experience very strong excitement!!!
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Birth of post_id=7565 time=1659954799 user_id=1]
Yes, it is pleasant. I experience very strong excitement!!!
you will write me of
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Birth [/ref] , How many to the son of years?
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Birth [/ref] , and how many to you and son of years?
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

[ref] Tamik1996 of [/ref] ,

34 and 17
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] the Birth [/ref] , pm, we will communicate.

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 2 hours 39 minutes 46 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

[ref] the Birth [/ref] , you before him are shown the specialist naked? So that he saw your delights?
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

well, it very much excites me!!! And if he also not one and with the friend, it in general!!!
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »


On sober nobody gives, huh at all?

Absolutely nasty somehow...

As if it isn't necessary to anybody...


Probably you wrote after couple of glasses :- (

Where I told that I fucked only drunk, the conversation was about sleeping, then also option when drinks.

It is simple to lay sometimes drunk, this desire and if someone gets also with the ave., then it is simpler to fuck, and then let

reddens in the
With the colleague, I wrote, there were 2-3 times max. when she drank if to consider that 2000-3000 times with her on sober and time 300 on sober with another are rough, then it is clear that on sober many times it is more.

Plus women at me I think was more, besides on sober, than at you.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

So all your this post about what was across
Drunk girlfriend of mother, drunk colleague, drunk

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7472 time=1659853885 user_id=120]
I was at mother at work, there one drank and I think if I not got acquainted with the girl there, then to take away somehow in an office and there could fuck, then was sorry as the girl prodinamit

Still I know one, I think if to give to drink, then I could take too, on sober I didn't try to persuade, and so would go to neighbors and noted and would go

home, or itself would stick, or I tried to kiss and embrace.

When with the colleague at me, it is a pity noted a little and if to give to drink more, then it is interesting, and so few times drank, she at once then did blowjob to me that is cool.

That is someone is corrupted by alcohol, with those is cooler.

But not everything, girls two, didn't drink vodka, and champagne and beer not to standard, with another got drunk, she even drank too much me,

zero emotions though I also slept with her, it would be interesting that would get to me, or I began a mat to swear, or oral I wanted to me,

and so in any way.

Still there was a mistress, gave to drink decently, more better sleeping pill, I her fucked sleeping and photos nasnimat, and so it was almost chopped off,

but almost, that is any, I fucked her few times, she didn't remember already in the morning.

And with mother too, the standard 3-4 glasses of vodka can and gave a ride and when search, in principle just drunk if dared, I kissed, and there would see, but unfortunately, would look at lips and can wanted, but somehow didn't think then.

And here too, gave to drink to unconsciousness...
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=2030 time=1642092584 user_id=120]
I gave to drink one somehow mistress, then I asked, you remember that fucked, she didn't even remember, just wanted that slept, and I took her, but can and would wake up.

And your councils probably from experience...
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=6086 time=1657614197 user_id=120]
It was necessary to arrange a wine party and to reconcile them, for example to both to add viagra, and then in turn to fuck them

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7234 time=1659533146 user_id=120]
I personally don't represent, there is a woman, means with her, it is possible to put on a mask, but not that.

The option of course that will drink and др, but depends on character, someone will get into pants at once, and someone having even drunk won't give

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=5240 time=1656738829 user_id=120]
Depends on a state and the ave., many don't remember also options, sleeps and you put her hand between legs, wakes up what was?

You drunk began to stick, were dark and you fucked me

And into the account of the colleague how many you are familiar?
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=katerina68 post_id=7629 time=1660039369 user_id=171]
So all your this post about what was across
Drunk girlfriend of mother, drunk colleague, drunk mistress.

I spoke, it is necessary to write sober, or at first to read.

1) I didn't write that the mother's girlfriend, I told that her colleague from
2) The colleague, once again I will repeat, it is rough on 1000-1500 times, we drank few times if interests, then roughly years 8 met.

3) The mistress, I gave to drink time for 200-300 times, met roughly 5

Total, with mathematics at me it is good, in 12 years, there were two acquaintances and three times of all was, and I didn't get drunk, with the first two-three of glasses of everything so if someone also regularly drinks, then I didn't write it,

can at someone another a problem with it.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7633 time=1660044958 user_id=120]
1) I didn't write that the mother's girlfriend, I told that her colleague from work.

And there is an essential difference the girlfriend/colleague? The idea that that it is drunk...

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7633 time=1660044958 user_id=120]
2) The colleague, once again I will repeat, it is rough on 1000-1500 times, we drank few times if interests, then roughly years 8 met.

Just there were 2-3 thousand...
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7627 time=1660038440 user_id=120]
if to consider that 2000-3000 times with her on sober and time 300 on sober with another are rough

And 1.5 thousand are a sex literally each working day, and it besides all others. It isn't a bit too much?

And when only you find time and the place...


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7633 time=1660044958 user_id=120]
there were two acquaintances and three times of all was, and I didn't get drunk, with the first two-three of glasses of everything so if someone also regularly drinks, then I didn't write it

How didn't write?

You in posts use a formulation "got drunk" or "gave to drink" much more than several times.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

Frankly speaking that for for such amount of intimate proximity, not measured amount of alcohol right now all the time was drunk
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

1) The difference is if the mother's girlfriend and she on a visit and mother fell asleep, then high probability to fuck it,

and if she is a colleague, then just one of 50 people and it shows nothing, just one of colleagues drank also in


2) I have no counter, can tell roughly approximately.

3) The working day 8 hours, three times a day, are always possible, I went early, locked the room and undressed,

as well in the evening, we had a bed and when in the afternoon I came and there are no colleagues, or standing, or behind, or

I sat down on a chair and she from above, the denim benefit at me, she often walked in a skirt.

About a few years worked, I don't remember how many years worked with it, then it found other work and left,

but I also worked and she after work came to me, later at me it became simpler with the apartment and became

to meet at my place. Three times I took her, at her home. Few times, her nephew has an apartment, in the morning in him

the apartment and then together went to work. After about 1-2 times a week met, at me.

4) I wrote, two times, once she drank at work, but then we celebrated a holiday and didn't meet still,

and then time 3 it is rough, she went to acquaintances and relatives and went home, already to standards, it is a pity not for a smog

to persuade to come, and so she would get to undress me and we would come off.

And if I would drink, most likely, we ran up, together to drink this one, and the lover drunk it

she didn't suffer.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7640 time=1660047702 user_id=120]
2) I have no counter, can tell roughly approximately.

With running start from 1 thousand to three... very roughly approximately...

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7640 time=1660047702 user_id=120]
three times a day, are always possible,

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7640 time=1660047702 user_id=120]
locked the room and undressed as well in the evening, we had a bed

Already and on three times a day?

And a bed at work probably just for a fuck of


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7640 time=1660047702 user_id=120]
1) The difference is if the mother's girlfriend and she on a visit and mother fell asleep, then high probability to fuck it,

and if she is a colleague, then just one of 50 people and it shows nothing, just one of colleagues drank also in


Initially it was at work, but not on a visit...

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7472 time=1659853885 user_id=120]
I was at mother at work, there one drank

And besides the sense exchanged a little...

Wrote in the beginning that it was with the colleague and even for some reason focused attention that it is not the
And now write that the colleague is a one of 50 and this is simply one of colleagues. And here with the girlfriend quite probably.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7633 time=1660044958 user_id=120]
1) I didn't write that the mother's girlfriend, I told that her colleague from work.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7472 time=1659853885 user_id=120]
I was at mother at work, there one drank and I think if I not got acquainted with the girl there, then to take away somehow in an office and there could fuck, then was sorry as the girl prodinamit then.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

1) I will repeat the counter wasn't, here if to ask and how many days you smoked, I think will tell nobody precisely.

2) And there are standards how many it is possible in day, at work? :lol:

About a bed, I brought the refrigerator, I put, I brought plasma, I hung up, I wanted to eat, I bought and I brought

microwave. It is not an office in policlinic, or not office on 50
And someone said that at work sex is forbidden, I knew that to me for 99% not to break off, and left that tried to persuade.

3) So I also didn't say that there are houses, just you wrote that the girlfriend, I also wrote, there would be a girlfriend from work,

if she drank also houses at me, something was, and at work, it is possible not to consider in general her, I even with her

I didn't speak.

P.S About by the way 3 once a day, me not 60 was also it not 80 and we and not the husband wife with the 30th summer experience,

that time in half a year, a personal record by the way 8 times in
And here for example at night, not for me and 5 times in a night, aren't given me, first many times in a night, me 1-2 times

would be enough, plus I sleep at night, now here often I sit in front of the computer, and then worked and in 23 already to sleep.

Then I said that 8 hours, there and time 5 are possible, plus 2-3 hours after work are possible, I could spend the night,

on night together didn't sleep that didn't catch and somehow was enough in the afternoon.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] the Birth [/ref] , doesn't want to become me mother? :oops:
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

I have already both a son, and the lover, well and still someone!!!
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

Only I touched a bottom so far I slept (
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Nik [/ref] , you can help to get into group in tenge "Freud is right"?
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

I left from there. And anything special there
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

I had such no experience.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

I examined the Sleeping Beauty, naked. I felt, besides, everywhere. And why to taste her? :- D
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

Once I got wasted in general in zero. I with a small lamp approached - heart slightly didn't jump out of a breast. It in panties was, I only a finger ran in that place where sponges have to be - slightly in pants to itself didn't terminate. I didn't risk further... Eh, it was necessary to drink up at her the vodka remains, maybe would be more courageous. :oops:
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=smurf post_id=8551 time=1661932057 user_id=1935]
slightly in pants to myself I didn't terminate
I cumed in pants. When slept, with mother together. She in a night dress which which is eternally lifted up, consider naked. I in pants. In the beginning, I cumed "dry". But, time has come, and I terminated in pants. All night long I didn't sleep, it was so a shame. By the morning dried. Mother, or didn't pay attention, or, only pretended. But, further I grew bolder, it is more and more...
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

More questions and mothers to you are less than constraint will stretch-))) I, in due time, everything was told, showed, explained and I am grateful.
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

Happened that touched sleeping

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 15 minutes 19 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

Washing thumping I came well and I used the chance. But didn't reach sex I was afraid
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=nikita.terentev post_id=8679 time=1662063724 user_id=1438]
Washing thumping I came well and I used the chance
Give details... Itself undressed? Perhaps it helped to be washed? Took a picture on the quiet? Share, friends, experience!
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

Why to undress, she and so all the time half-naked in the house-) Everything occurs during the confidential conversations.
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Birth »

And it is possible a question for slimes, really you like to lick dirty, it is possible also with a cum after a fuck? Well if came and though in a shower descended and if isn't present?
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Love »

[ref] Birth [/ref] ,
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

At me was that touched. Thumping I came I was chopped off well and I touched. I removed from her a part of clothes
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

At me was both from sleeping and from bodorstvuyushchy
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

The sleeping mummy is always good!
incest guest
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by incest guest »

The Sleeping Beauties always feel and wake up if they isn't present then in an insole drunk. If not drunk also didn't wake up, means pretended to be and it was pleasant to her.
 Re:At someone was with the sleeping mother?

Post by Arkalis »

Voobshchem business was so, the Father with Mother left when I was still small, and the Father found the stepmother young, slender beautiful, but the breast is small. She was with me from the childhood and when I matured she began to interest me not as the Family member, and as the
From 12-13 years I seem I began to jerk off actively on her, I will tell that at the Father from the Stepmother one more son my younger brother to him was born 11
Somehow time having come home after went out with the friends, the Father slept in their bedroom and the Stepmother sat in the hall where I with the brother we sleep on the sofa, and she suggested to drink, drank something spirits pink transparent color, reminded vodka, and was quite high-grade.

And so we drank a floor of liter and she went to bed on our sofa and I near her. When she fell asleep strong I rubbed the dick about her bottom in shorts, and after I risked and took off from her shorts and after and pants I saw her clean-shaven Pussy and having taken off from myself pants the dick in a missionary pose when the dick entered on a half began to insert slowly into her she very much moaned, and bent knees, I moved apart them and continued to fuck her when I reached peak I took out a dick and terminated to her on a vagina, I wiped her napkins and thought to dress her, but I stopped and fucked her once again, after everything I dressed her also went to bed. I don't think that she knew what I with her do. (at that time I was 14 years old). But later in 1 year (to me there were already 15) at my friend I was др he was a friend very close to me and he very much was pleasant to my family, and we decided to go family and the friend to the small river and there to carry out it др, there we fried shish kebabs, sausages and vodka got drunk, and I sat down near the Stepmother and began to touch her through clothes for a bottom and boobs, the stepmother was in a cape therefore it was covered what my hands wouldn't be visible to the rest. When already rather darkened we were going to go home shipped all things and began to take seat I got into the car (VAZ 2106) at a window on back seats and took the stepmother on hands and got with a hand her into pants began to suvat a finger in a vagina, she very much was surprised moaned but didn't proinosit anything else what wouldn't be burned.

It was dark and we already went home and I began to kiss her with language (for my age I had only 1 girl and we with her were kissed only on the lips) I don't know whether the father through a rear-view mirror saw it but then he didn't stop us, and so we kissed throughout all way back home and when we already approached she you told the madman and we kissed having arrived all of us were unloaded from the thing pozanosila car in a garage on places further, and the stepmother went to the bathroom to be washed, and at that moment I risked and entered the bathroom she was completely naked also sat [url=viewtopic.php? t=614] in bathing [/url] I approached her and she told and if the father comes, I told that I all normally both began to kiss her and put her a finger in the pussy, and told her you will remain to spend the night on our bed, she agreed, after I left a bathtub and the friend asked someone [url=viewtopic.php? t=614] in bathing [/url] I told that the Stepmother went to the bathroom and asked to bring a towel, after we were all in the hall and watched the movie on the computer (Plasma instead of the monitor). After she I fell asleep at us on a sofa and the father tried to wake her but at him it didn't turn out and he went to sleep in a ska the room, and the friend asked that I carried out it home, after I came back home and all already slept, I climbed on a sofa undressed and began to stick to the stepmother in a missionary pose she tried to stop me spoke isn't necessary, but I began to kiss her and having removed pants aside I inserted a dick in her she moaned and we began to fuck, after I terminated to her on the pussy and she began at me to suck away, and after I turned her sideways and began sharply to fuck her in the Wag, me very much was pleasant this pose and so I fucked her time 3-4 in a row. And after we fell asleep, for the morning she изображалв that nothing occurred but after when she washed the dishes in kitchen she told that I would keep the mouth shut and spoke to nobody about it.

We live in the private house and we have an Arbour with a sofa and when was hot she moved to sleep to the street, and at night I came to her to a sofa to a zhta an arbor pulled together pants and began to fuck her (Sex happened on sober) after I overexcited fucked her quickly enough having terminated, I gave her a dick and she began to suck to me and after I terminated her in a mouth. Also I went to the house on the bed. Last time when I stuck to it was already when on the street became cold at daybreak and she went to the house and slept with us on the sofa in the hall I very much became excited and wanted her she was in very cut-offs and a t-shirt without brassiere, we slept on one side I put her a hand under a t-shirt and began to finger nipples she obviously woke up and constrained groans, I took off from herself pants and rested the dick to her in buttocks under shorts but she told that I nothing would make with her, and I Agreed and continued to touch a breast so far she didn't leave for work, later at us was nothing.
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