At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest? Incest-coffee shop

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At what age and on whose initiative you had the first experience of an incest?

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incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Reserved post_id=5094 time=1656567502 user_id=1]
xotite mne. skazat 4to tut realnie istorii?? ja ne wery sorry.

No, I don't want. Probably, 95% are imaginations, judging by style, quite to themselves nurseries. However, it isn't really important. Eventually, everyone from this will take out something for itself(himself). For me I was about important to learn as far as all these incest imaginations and experience take place to be. It is heavy to live with it and to consider itself the pervert and the degenerate and for one to think also of native to you the person. However, the thematic forum, shows that not so everything is bad, many think of it, many dream, and someone else also realized all this. Strains only dirt in some posts and thoughts.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5060 time=1656504925 user_id=1192]
The only thing for what I regret that tormented it long, just without understanding what happens to it. He told then that from 13 years he dreamed of me.
and how do you feel? You beautiful? I understand if very beautiful and temperamental woman wants to fuck, but why the child? But not beautiful other person? If you actually the beauty, then is another story. Do you work?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=set211 post_id=5153 time=1656651260 user_id=1197]
and how do you feel? You beautiful? I understand if very beautiful and temperamental woman wants to fuck, but why the child? But not beautiful other person? If you actually the beauty, then is another story. Do you work?

I feel normally :) Strains only that all this is considered immoral offense and it is necessary to hide this relationship from all. About beauty everything is subjective. But for the 49-50 I are beautiful. And men stare and the lover is (even two :) ) Why child? He any more not the child that is age, and young man. But for me, of course, the child, anyway. And what option suggest - to run from each other. If you loved the girl very much, and she would refuse to you, it would be easy for you to continue to communicate with her, knowing that she not yours and yours will never be. Here and here, the option of such "normal" life was. If I would be such girl from outside, then of course would pass by and wouldn't suffer, and so same my child, I can't push away him? Well and the last, probably, I tell absolutely shameful things, even when he was a boy and there were such naive children's courtings, type accidentally, the palm caresses mother's legs. and so, I perfectly understood, what does it mean and at heart, very deeply, it was pleasant to me. It if to be honest before itself up to the end. Though in addition there was both a fastidiousness and fear and much what - still. Well difficult all this.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5156 time=1656653537 user_id=1192]
Well difficult all this.
believe all are raised, in severity, but in purity, but not in shit. It is more best to cause it was necessary the prostitute for the help. To remove stress. He would understand itself the expert. And now that? And where all this? Heavy with it to live to both you and him! What tell?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=set211 post_id=5162 time=1656654490 user_id=1197]
believe all are raised, in severity, but in purity, but not in shit. It is more best to cause it was necessary the prostitute for the help. To remove stress. He would understand itself the expert. And now that? And where all this? Heavy with it to live to both you and him! What tell?

In what weight that? You attribute to me, some false experiences. Hard to me not because it occurred but because it should be hidden constantly and to live on the alert. What now and where? Everything is simple, you know men who didn't change the wives and girlfriends? Can such and is, but those someone wouldn't stare at the casual lady and I didn't think, oh kind of I her now. such is definitely not present. All run on the left and on the left look. And here he doesn't run on the left, he to me runs, everything is simple. And you in vain here remembered the prostitute, it also is the real dirt. At him and without prostitutes in high school everything happened to the schoolmate :) Well and a bonus, you know what happiness to be open and honest, we with him are frank in everything, all my experiences and secrets, all his secrets ours the general now. And yes, just, speaking about complexes, now just complexes also didn't become any. Probably, then physical our proximity will come to naught, eventually, I don't look younger... But I hope that tenderness and desire will be always
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5165 time=1656655535 user_id=1192]
But I hope that tenderness and desire will be always
I sent you my mail write to me I want to communicate. On all this, don't refuse to :-) of [email protected]
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Pupil of post_id=1611 time=1640086517 user_id=1]
To me to 44 it 16 what to do
to buy the prostitute clean. And you what you want?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5054 time=1656497432 user_id=1192]
At us to the son it happened somehow mutually. That is the initiative was him, I, of course, knew that he unevenly breathes to me, and was even going to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, to set straight... But it turned out so that he outstripped... when to embrace and kiss I got, absolutely suddenly, I didn't begin to push away him. I didn't expect from myself. Already after everything I am not sorry at all. Though after the first time, slightly in church to the father I didn't go to confess... If that to me 50, to him 23.
Tell how everything passed for the first time and as reached sexual intercourse.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

Yes you mature are enough
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by Lisa »

At me is with the father of a vchir and this morning

I am 13 years old

It was pleasant to me especially at the end when he pulses inside
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= of Som post_id=5186 time=1656665798 user_id=1201]
Yes you mature are enough

yes, not the girl, precisely :)
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by Limit »

Lisa you are good fellows
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Lisa [/ref] , tell what yes as was
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] mara72 [/ref] What you had thoughts and feelings during the first sex with the son?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

All hi!

To me 29, mother 53.

There was a sex two times, live not together, but very much we want each other, but we are afraid to continue.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

With the sister was, to both after 18.vovremya boozes somehow it happened
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

What here all fantastic lying faggots. Some imaginations, there is no what you write. This matter of luck, at me so coincided that I got stuck at the grandmother for a year with the sister. And there it was so boring and it is the period of hormones, everything is accidental
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] strannik64 [/ref] , [ref] strannik64 [/ref] , of [email protected]
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Vlad1994 post_id=5194 time=1656670310 user_id=462]
mara72 What you had thoughts and feelings during the first sex with the son?

That it not happens to me that it is the movie such, and I take a detached view, and then the wave of joy and ease covered with heat. The desire which isn't passing yet is, more and more, and then as explosion inside, the truth such, warm velvet :) Somehow so everything was. for the first time
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] mara72 [/ref] , you are with it in sex everything to yourself and you allow him?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Vlad1994 post_id=5423 time=1656936459 user_id=462]
You are with him in sex everything to yourself and you allow him?

Just as and with other men, I avoid anal sex, full and, of course, I don't allow to cum in myself... the fact that here write that mother resolved in herself. this madness, I consider... Though we without condom do it, but to accept in ourselves sons a seed, I to such recklessness didn't ripen, probably
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5425 time=1656936887 user_id=1192]
Just as and with other men, I avoid anal sex, full and, of course, I don't allow to cum in myself... the fact that here write that mother resolved in herself. this madness, I consider... Though we without condom do it, but to accept in ourselves sons a seed, I to such recklessness didn't ripen, probably
What you mean under full? And will pass though you do? In a mouth, on the person, you crook the elbow a seed? Do you kiss?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Vlad1994 post_id=5426 time=1656937355 user_id=462]
What do you mean under full? And will pass though you do? In a mouth, on the person, you crook the elbow a seed? Do you kiss?

In detail :) :

1) Full, it when the dick in a bottom - I avoid this. When a finger caresses there and at the same time a pussy, it is pleasant.

2) I do, and absolutely even without "though" :)

3) I accept, very much it is pleasant to be "watered" that there is a lot of...

4) And you as think? And as a rule, just like that, without any sex, as lovers.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] mara72 [/ref] How you for the first time saw his adult dick? How did allow him to enter you? How for the first time did suck off? Why you don't use condoms?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Vlad1994 post_id=5429 time=1656938960 user_id=462]
How did you for the first time see his adult dick? How did allow him to enter you? How for the first time did suck off? Why you don't use condoms?

As on interrogation I feel :)

1) The adult - slightly more than 2 months ago, before can be for a moment about 11 years ago, but it was not the adult dick still...

2) It is a long story, I here already partially wrote, and in more detail, I don't know whether costs. I gave - simply, at the moment when decided, just I moved apart legs and I gave... But at first it had an initiative, then became stupid from the courage a little and began to apologize, but there already I decided and didn't release from myself :)

3) Then also I made, a bit later, after the first
4) I don't love since youth, feeling not those at all.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

To [ref] mara72 [/ref] , Forgive for "interrogation". It is possible a little more?

His cum is pleasant to you, you savor, you swallow? Do you try sexy practicians, poses, experiments? Why against an anal?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

And tell us as you look?

Describe appearance
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

Yes, the cum madly tasty, so to say, didn't try more better:) Taste special, juicy some not to describe words. However, each man has the taste. I swallow, of course. Didn't reach experiments and, probably, we won't reach. Or not soon. So far there is enough extreme and experiences in usual sex and I am conservative at heart. At the son of imagination are connected that I was not one or that I was near his girl, but it so, just imaginations, I don't take seriously... Or rather, can even be would be and not really minding, but if to argue really, then it imaginations and will remain.

Against an anal - there was an unpleasant experience, since then is careful. It is more big or I am careful of a forefinger there to start up :)
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] mara72 [/ref] , tried the Cunnilingus? If yes, that as passed?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=robert21 post_id=5433 time=1656940044 user_id=545]
And tell us as you look?

Describe appearance

High (178), slender. the artificial blonde, 49 nobody give, but it is big work and money of in such form to support (fitness, plasticity, etc.). Generally I look exactly so that it is pleasant to boys :) Appearance more east (it is a lot of the Tatar blood).
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Vlad1994 post_id=5436 time=1656940726 user_id=462]
The cunnilingus was tried? If yes, that as passed?

Went off and passes with a bang. Though first I hesitated very much. And now itself I become excited from what I anticipate his uvula between the legs.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] mara72 [/ref] , And the son's dick is pleasant to you? What size at him? What to drive on him lips, to feel in itself? What to kiss the son? And where you prefer that he cumed if inside it is impossible?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Vlad1994 post_id=5439 time=1656941987 user_id=462]
And the son's dick is pleasant to you? What size at him? What to drive on him lips, to feel in itself? What to kiss the son? And where you prefer that he cumed if inside it is impossible?

It is pleasant, the size usual, but was evident at once that it some we are unusually fat perhaps :) wide in a word. Feelings. here as well as with all the rest. Very much brings me when to the son it is good, and to him with me it is good, from it I just flare inside. To kiss, unusually at first, but besides, the situation, does all feelings brighter and deeper. We will kiss sometimes it to call difficult, everything turns into such sucking of each other. Still weren't sated. I love when he waters to me a face and a breast and if a crustacean has, then a back.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5440 time=1656942425 user_id=1192]
[quote= Vlad1994 post_id=5439 time=1656941987 user_id=462]
And the son's dick is pleasant to you? What size at him? What to drive on him lips, to feel in itself? What to kiss the son? And where you prefer that he cumed if inside it is impossible?

It is pleasant, the size usual, but was evident at once that it some we are unusually fat perhaps :) wide in a word. Feelings. here as well as with all the rest. Very much brings me when to the son it is good, and to him with me it is good, from it I just flare inside. To kiss, unusually at first, but besides, the situation, does all feelings brighter and deeper. We will kiss sometimes it to call difficult, everything turns into such sucking of each other. Still weren't sated. I love when he waters to me a face and a breast and if a crustacean has, then a back.

Do you have a big breast size?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=robert21 post_id=5441 time=1656942534 user_id=545]
Do you have a big breast size?

The third, is even closer to chetvetry....
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5442 time=1656943143 user_id=1192]
[quote=robert21 post_id=5441 time=1656942534 user_id=545]
Do you have a big breast size?

The third, is even closer to chetvetry....

My favourite size
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[ref] robert21 [/ref] , your photos are shown?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=robert21 post_id=5443 time=1656943510 user_id=545]
My favourite size

:) Me it is pleasant to E too.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5445 time=1656943924 user_id=1192]
[quote=robert21 post_id=5443 time=1656943510 user_id=545]
My favourite size

:) Me it is pleasant to E too.

It is bad that it is impossible to communicate in a private message.

And you someone by profession? if it is possible
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=robert21 post_id=5446 time=1656944016 user_id=545]
It is bad that it is impossible to communicate in a private message.

And you someone by profession? if it is possible

About a profession, excuse I will hold back. There is no wish to invent, and you will tell the truth... I here about appearance already wrote. so. Generally, office
I don't know whether will be enough at me patience to be here so long that the reputation was enough for the right to send a private message. Even most likely won't be enough. Anyway, you can report mail in a private message.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5447 time=1656944301 user_id=1192]
[quote=robert21 post_id=5446 time=1656944016 user_id=545]
It is bad that it is impossible to communicate in a private message.

And you someone by profession? if it is possible

About a profession, excuse I will hold back. There is no wish to invent, and you will tell the truth... I here about appearance already wrote. so. Generally, office
I don't know whether will be enough at me patience to be here so long that the reputation was enough for the right to send a private message. Even most likely won't be enough. Anyway, you can report mail in a private message.

My mail:

of [email protected]
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by Nov »

Mara72 and why you don't allow to cum in yourself? this the best that is in sex, especially a floor repeated sex when the dick easily slides in pussies the filled-in cum. To you and the area of 50 years, and at this age of the woman we aren't capable to become pregnant so it is possible to cum quietly without risk. Besides, the cum in pussies is useful to the woman.
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Is new post_id=5450 time=1656952328 user_id=1]
, and why you don't allow to cum in yourself? this the best that is in sex, especially a floor repeated sex when the dick easily slides in pussies the filled-in cum. To you and the area of 50 years, and at this age of the woman we aren't capable to become pregnant so it is possible to cum quietly without risk. Besides, the cum in pussies is useful to the woman.

You slightly are mistaken about; abilities to become pregnant even at such age. However, there are of course safe days, then it is possible to dare to relax, that's when I accept everything in myself, to the delight of my young man.
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by Diana »

Mne14 I sleep 4 years with the father mother isn't aware
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

As at you happened to the father tell in more detail please
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Diana post_id=5461 time=1656975791 user_id=1]
To me 14 I sleep 4 years with the father mother isn't aware

.... and what, full sex since 10 years?
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

[quote=mara72 post_id=5451 time=1656953726 user_id=1192]
You slightly are mistaken about; abilities to become pregnant even at such age. However, there are of course safe days, then it is possible to dare to relax, that's when I accept everything in myself, to the delight of my young man.

...... Generally the probability to become pregnant is at any age....
incest guest
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by incest guest »

Initiator someone white Diana
Oleg Viktorovich
 Re:At what age and on whose initiative you had an incest?

Post by Oleg Viktorovich »

In mine 53 with the 20th summer senior daughter on her initiative
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