At someone and as was with daughterStories about incest

Real and fantasy incest
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=6999 time=1659090065 user_id=1292]
I will tell the. With the wife divorced, the daughter was 4 years old. I grew up not somny, communicated whenever possible. At the time of our beginning of delightful joys it was 15 years old. They lived with mother in other city, but it isn't far. The daughter gathered to me on a visit and went with the acquaintance. When kissed for a meeting, I felt a cum smell, and she smiled. Went to cafe and decided to end houses. Drank wine and smoothly passed to a revelation. I took an interest if sleeps with boys, then it is necessary to be protected. She laughed, answered that not the girl already, but now doesn't sleep nisky. There are acquaintances, she sucks at them. Here me also twirled, I thought I will terminate without sex. The beginnings from allowed to try to persuade the daughter on sex. She told that she watched mother during sex and she wanted that the father left alone her. I do to the daughter's kuna, with pleasure. I warmed and turn in buttocks, very hardly, I don't hurry, I knead. The daughter asks, fuck in a cunt. I begin mad speed, the daughter is turned out and begins to suck, I cum as for the first time. The cum flows on a cheek and lips, the daughter pinches from hands. Jerks off to himself and too cums. We have a rest. She tells that when spied upon mother in sex the tosser, became a habit. Later I took part, but only I sucked at the stepfather and mother's otlizyval, I cumed, I was a girl. Here and today when went to me, the acquaintance with the friend brought, I sucked at them, swallowed a cum, jerked off to herself that and terminated. This evening three times I climbed on it. I asked in her next visit, to take a detached view of my sex, to jerk off to myself. It is told, made. The second time in marriage, explained to the wife that the daughter wants to observe. Reaction at the wife fucking shocked, but agrees. When watched us, it obdrochitsya and I began to lick to the wife, and after and at me sucks. Came to an end what the wife together with the daughter is asked to lick from them. Here the wife says that it she never had a sex. We practice already 2 years with the daughter. I fuck less, likes to suck also what would lick at her when cums. The wife observes, sometimes takes part, at will. The daughter accustomed her to a jerking off. There is such real life.

The girl by 15 years already has a great number of sexual partners though it and only
Also to the same 15 does blowjob to the stepfather at mother and doesn't disregard actually mother/>
Serves some fellow traveler with someone goes directly by the bus/train or in what there they went.

The father drinks alcohol with the minor daughter and fucks her in all
And his new wife there... has nothing against sex with the minor
And gruppovushka

Would write still that you meet so to speak
Four adults and

And that it you aren't trusted...

Everything is so well stated...
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

No, families we don't meet. The daughter, doesn't change partners, there is a pier. the person someone she meets. At the time of our beginning, 18 years were her 15, now. Mother wanted that the daughter didn't collect down the street, and learned experience of the house. If the daughter likes such rapprochement if she derives pleasure and I madly want it, then why it is necessary to put the ban? I described the beginning of a meeting, during a lot of things learned, about each other. The main thing to finish, I, not the wife and furthermore the daughter, we don't want. I was разговор,мол.человека,пригласить.Оставили for a while when is a son-in-law. Interestingly, I will describe still meetings
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7020 time=1659105643 user_id=1292]
No, families we don't meet. The daughter, doesn't change partners, there is a pier. the person someone she meets. At the time of our beginning, 18 years were her 15, now. Mother wanted that the daughter didn't collect down the street, and learned experience of the house. If the daughter likes such rapprochement if she derives pleasure and I madly want it, then why it is necessary to put the ban? I described the beginning of a meeting, during a lot of things learned, about each other. The main thing to finish, I, not the wife and furthermore the daughter, we don't want. I was разговор,мол.человека,пригласить.Оставили for a while when is a son-in-law. Interestingly, I will describe still meetings

Even, if for a minute to assume that it is the truth, what we have in the dry rest?! In 15 years the teenage girl became the finished whore with all that it implies from here for her health consequences. I.e. to fuck with everyone it is visible her native mummy so trained since diapers:roll:, and here it was drawn native a papashka and it with pleasure was given it, and in passing also given to the men who were giving a ride to her...

I know that situations are different in life, but what here was written above - it is only sick imagination of a drocher nothing having the general with reality.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

First and in the wet rest. My daughter, not the whore, she doesn't bring together everyone. Mother from the cradle didn't teach her to a fucking, on the contrary, warned is filled in also diseases from the street. The fact that she lost the virgin and was 2-3 partners, so at someone more. She likes a blowjob and it is pleasant to derive pleasure from kuna, so in it what bad? Wanted pleasure with the father, well and what from that? And all others in it is put. to a garden. What is still interesting?
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7023 time=1659108689 user_id=1292]
First and in the wet rest. My daughter, not the whore

So you write that she you felt from her a cum smell when she arrived.

It is possible only if she to the guy sucked off or directly in transport or just before departure. And I didn't even find time to rinse at least a mouth and a cum to erase. And I went with it...
And you write what she has we are familiar that already plural and that she it sucks away.

It speaks for itself...

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7023 time=1659108689 user_id=1292]
The fact that she lost the virgin and was 2-3 partners,

By 15 years that?

Yes, it is absolutely normal.

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7023 time=1659108689 user_id=1292]
Wanted pleasure with the father, well and what from that? And all others in it is put. to a garden.

And in it is put to a garden what?

She was already and there noted?

Well just angel, but not the child...
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Yes, not to suppress the fact that she on the road made a blowjob to the guy and his friend. There is a lot of acquaintances, but does not all a blowjob. In years. it wasn't noted to a garden, and in years. to a garden all whole and not vredimy. The fact that the daughter is present at sex with the wife and it takes part blowjob and from the wife to kuna, what, the world stopped? It is more best to be on the street and there to grupovushet with gang? It seems with the father and his wife more better. Houses sometimes with mother and the stepfather invite her, she doesn't refuse and moreover it is pleasant to her Why not?
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7025 time=1659111563 user_id=1292]
Yes, not to suppress the fact that she on the road made a blowjob to the guy and his friend. There is a lot of acquaintances, but does not all a blowjob. In years. it wasn't noted to a garden, and in years. to a garden all whole and not vredimy. The fact that the daughter is present at sex with the wife and it takes part blowjob and from the wife to kuna, what, the world stopped? It is more best to be on the street and there to grupovushet with gang? It seems with the father and his wife more better. Houses sometimes with mother and the stepfather invite her, she doesn't refuse and moreover it is pleasant to her Why not?

I enough broad views on intim in any his manifestations, but even seem to me if everything that you wrote above at least partly the truth... It will lead (if didn't bring any more) to degradation of your daughter as persons. From 14-15 years already to have sex with 2-3 partners, and after it will want to fuck with someone and at the same time with the father, mother, the stepfather and his cat with a dog... :roll: I Will repeat:if it is real the truth, then this girl by 30 years will become similar to the squeezed-out bast because chaotic sex (even let and with relatives) in all openings, but also on the party doesn't refuse to satisfy somebody in gratitude... And where sex, there and alcohol will also sweep on an inclined plane...
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Of course thanks for care. Partners 2-3, it was to us and sex was with them several times. not with all at once, on one. At the moment, the daughter has a friend, live a civil marriage. Sex at them of course regular. 1-2 times a month, we invite to ourselves the daughter on a visit. There is no coercion, there is no deception, she likes more even to receive caress from the wife and me not by a fucking, and blowjob and kuna. Daughters now 18 years, in October 19 will be. High, stately whether vrit which of men will keep. As you told, she has no Potaskannosti. Her desire after the wedding to invite the husband to us. Do you find something bad?
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7027 time=1659116471 user_id=1292]
Daughters now 18 years, in October 19 will be.

You have something not that with
You write in the first message that to the daughter at the time of the beginning of your entertainments was 15

[quote= Yuvel post_id=6999 time=1659090065 user_id=1292]
At the time of our beginning of delightful joys 15 years were it. They lived with mother in other city

And in the same place a line that your relationship proceeds two

[quote= Yuvel post_id=6999 time=1659090065 user_id=1292]
The second time in marriage, explained to the wife that дх. Here the wife says that it she never had a sex. We practice already 2 years with the daughter. I fuck less, likes to suck also what would lick at her when cums

15 word
was it
And already 2 years, trifle fall short even up to 18


[quote= Yuvel post_id=7027 time=1659116471 user_id=1292]
Her desire after the wedding to invite the husband to us.

And he of course too fan family swinger of a
Probably the daughter chose to herself the husband the same as


[quote= Yuvel post_id=7025 time=1659111563 user_id=1292]
There is a lot of acquaintances, but does not all a blowjob.

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7025 time=1659111563 user_id=1292]
Yes, not to suppress the fact that she on the road made a blowjob to the guy and his friend.

Really not everything...

Only to the
Well and to his friend for one...

incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Katerina, I told the history, but not as didn't want to listen to discussion of the daughter. You write about the and we will investigate flights. It is possible to discuss action, but not participants.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Nikoli84748 [/ref] , hi! So I descriptions of the sex slowly go to the novel under still working name "Our family eternal call sinful!" And it is trusted, not trusted, I will tell the words of the Siberian anchoress Anastasia, "To someone it is trusted, let for the benefit trusts and to someone it isn't trusted, let goes back home!"
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote=iyulyushka22 post_id=7045 time=1659155206 user_id=1493]
[ref] Nikoli84748 [/ref] , hi! So I descriptions of the sex slowly go to the novel under still working name "Our family eternal call sinful!" And it is trusted, not trusted, I will tell the words of the Siberian anchoress Anastasia, "To someone it is trusted, let for the benefit trusts and to someone it isn't trusted, let goes back home!"

Dear! You the website were mistaken. It is not the website Litres where it is necessary to tell beautifully the literary language about the sexual relationship. Here usual supply of material is more welcomed, without приукрас but with details and it is desirable that it was the reality, but not damp imaginations.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7043 time=1659147399 user_id=1292]
Katerina, I told the history, but not as didn't want to listen to discussion of the daughter. You write about the and we will investigate flights. It is possible to discuss action, but not participants.

Perhaps you represent the trodden-on fatherly corns?

After words that...

My daughter on the way to me on a visit to two guys made
And still she to the stepfather sucks also to me too...

And in general she is a cocksucker... likes to suck...

And all the rest too...

A little late...

Write similar about the daughter, and now that it isn't necessary to discuss her...


And probably the jamb about age was decided to be ignored...

To the daughter of 15

[quote= Yuvel post_id=6999 time=1659090065 user_id=1292]
At the time of our beginning of delightful joys 15 years were it. They lived with mother in other city

Passed two

[quote= Yuvel post_id=6999 time=1659090065 user_id=1292]
The second time in marriage, explained to the wife that дх. Here the wife says that it she never had a sex. We practice already 2 years with the daughter. I fuck less, likes to suck also what would lick at her when cums

And her already 18-19

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7027 time=1659116471 user_id=1292]
Daughters now 18 years, in October 19 will be.
Last edited by andreas0003 on 30 Jul 2022, 03:07, edited 2 times in total.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

:) I don't judge fatherly feelings. I took out that the daughter shared with me on uvidiny. It was necessary to scold, don't suck, don't communicate? Here then neither I, nor you, nor they would learn anything, and the daughter will be reserved and street. What loves a blowjob so from that? Likes to receive oral caress what it is bad?
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7056 time=1659163234 user_id=1292]
I don't judge fatherly feelings. I took out that the daughter shared with me on uvidiny. It was necessary to scold, don't suck, don't communicate? Here then neither I, nor you, nor they would learn anything, and the daughter will be reserved and street. What loves a blowjob so from that? Likes to receive oral caress what it is bad?

Don't you judge fatherly feelings? Them what you don't have?

And to what then words that let's not discuss the daughter?

From 15 years to do guys blowjob and for one stepfather and swear at it trifle badly...

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7056 time=1659163234 user_id=1292]
I don't judge fatherly feelings. I took out that the daughter shared with me on uvidiny.

Took out a story of the daughter about what she in 15 already sucks all...

And not only took out, but also with her had sex... and at once began with anal...


And just to a word …

There is such thing as style of the letter. That as the person collects words in phrases and offers what turns uses also other …

From this it is formed rather unique подчерк …

This when the author can be recognized in his text …

And on yours a podcherka …

All these goings from the answer, a manner to tell something and when rather told by you to you they ask inconvenient questions to pass to words that you don't want to discuss it also other …

Quite recently there was a person at a forum with just the same style …

Inconsistencies were ignored, logical questions on his history were transferred to words that he doesn't want to speak about it or that he wasn't so understood … and other …
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Your style of communication becomes already clear. In total хо ро ше го!!!
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7061 time=1659167111 user_id=1292]
Your style of communication becomes already clear. In total хо ро ше го!!!

And the contradiction of age and remained forgotten...

Father hero... and all family with the minor daughter...
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Here I won't understand, you envies? Well then, silently. Do you want to send me to other course? So isn't necessary. It is pleasant to us so, here and only. And I told, so I shared joy which for me. Began to be engaged when to the daughter was 15, in two months there were 16. And I wrote that 15 years. Now 18, will be 19 what from that, it is necessary to notify about one month, about one day and the exact time of the birth is desirable?
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7064 time=1659169262 user_id=1292]
Here I won't understand, you envies? Well then, silently. Do you want to send me to other course? So isn't necessary. It is pleasant to us so, here and only. And I told, so I shared joy which for me. Began to be engaged when to the daughter was 15, in two months there were 16. And I wrote that 15 years. Now 18, will be 19 what from that, it is necessary to notify about one month, about one day and the exact time of the birth is desirable?

What do I envy to?

Does blowjob to the fact that the girl from 15 years to someone only maybe where can?

Or what she lays down with everyone both with the stepfather and with mother and with the father and with the stepmother?

Probably for you joy that she so idle since early

And the age all the same doesn't meet...

Nearly 16 without two months plus two
It will be nearly 18 without two
But in any way not almost <>
There isn't enough year all the same...
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Here is how time and the point is that she is not idle. Study, house, pier. the person well if only to us, it two once a month, at will. To girlfriends sometimes.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Yuvel post_id=7068 time=1659170408 user_id=1292]
Here is how time and the point is that she is not idle. Study, house, pier. the person well if only to us, it two once a month, at will. To girlfriends sometimes.

Not gulchshchy?

That is will pass to the guy and for one his friend... somewhere on the way... and even not to wash after that...

And still to a circle of

Sex with all
Desire that her man joined these gruppavushka and probably I had sex with her stepmother and her together with the

Probably it is modesty...
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Tell in a private message of [email protected]

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 23 minutes later: [/color] [/size]

of [email protected] throw off photos of your daughters small
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[ref] to nikolj202 [/ref] , you can tell in tenge in more detail as at you with the daughter was and as everything began
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Vlad post_id=610 time=1635758471 user_id=1]
I in 11 licked the, it was pleasant to her, she is married, comes around every week and … to her 30 now
and full sex was too or didn't give?
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Seva [/ref] , weren't afraid that the daughter could tell someone about it?
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

To [ref] with nikolj202 [/ref] , Crazy_mamix write tenge here. I can't pm
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

At, каво was with the daughter, sex
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Bourgeois of post_id=7889 time=1660563688 user_id=862]
At, каво was with the daughter, sex

Go more better the orfagrafichessky dictionary teach and there will be to a taba a sex there.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

And? At каво was with the daughter
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Bourgeois of post_id=7903 time=1660570918 user_id=862]
And? At каво was with the daughter

Go jerk off, the school student!
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

And I here suspect, me 17, a fetish an incest years, so 5 now. periodically wildly I want someone from relatives, but I don't allow. also I am afraid that sometime I won't restrain and I will fuck the daughter same under article gets :sorry: and it isn't normal in modern society, unless isn't present?

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 6 minutes 21 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

[ref] Kikiss [/ref] , well so same is dangerous, a dosage you won't calculate also all..... Death

Here it is necessary to know when to stop, and without knowledge of all subtleties, on a boom to make, something similar is almost impossible (or not to be enough, or there is too much)
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Ddk post_id=8014 time=1660865002 user_id=1732]
And I here suspect, me 17, a fetish an incest years, so 5 now. periodically wildly I want someone from relatives, but I don't allow. also I am afraid that sometime I won't restrain and I will fuck the daughter same under article gets :sorry: and it isn't normal in modern society, unless isn't present?

If everything is by agreement and you with the potential daughter you will keep the relationship a secret from all, then everything will be good.

Actually our society is more abnormal, than those someone does what our society considers indecent. :read:
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

I just all life considered a taboo incest. But at this forum all quietly say about pedophilia rape and тп.создаётся an impression that all this norms, and it goes to a section with all what I trusted earlier in. On it I don't know as to react to similar and whether it is normal that at me similar thoughts slip. therefore asked at a forum. I think there will be people with life experience who will help me to understand themselves
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Ddk post_id=8014 time=1660865383 user_id=1732]
And I here suspect, me 17, a fetish an incest years, so 5 now. periodically wildly I want someone from relatives, but I don't allow. also I am afraid that sometime I won't restrain and I will fuck the daughter same under article gets :sorry: and it isn't normal in modern society, unless isn't present?

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 6 minutes 21 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

[ref] Kikiss [/ref] , well so same is dangerous, a dosage you won't calculate also all..... Death

Here it is necessary to know when to stop, and without knowledge of all subtleties, on a boom to make, something similar is almost impossible (or not to be enough, or there is too much)

there will be a daughter, will think.

he takes a steam bath in 17 years:"and what will be if..." of *x)

can at you and the daughter won't be, and you already wind yourself as you will be put

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 6 minutes 34 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

if someone didn't notice - all free falls under article,

so will be so far there will be a state and slaveholding system on the planet created by hypocrites.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Well here your truth, just I consider, it is worth thinking now that then there were no questions.

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 35 minutes 4 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

[ref] elena [/ref] , [ref] Alec [/ref] , we can communicate by e-mail, I want to dream up about your daughters, to see them and you (it is possible without the person)
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

it is pleasant that the person thinking. but don't bend a stick with
if before reaches, it is checked on itself, follow two rules:

1.) all this has to be interesting and pleasant to the daughter how a
2.) and the general secret has to be for it a mysterious
it doesn't give of course a full guarantee, but strongly obezopashivat.

and the earlier you will begin, the all this will be more natural to be perceived by the daughter. in a reasonable framework of course, not from a
but in general if the predisposition and talent for it isn't found in the daughter don't even begin.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

It is very difficult to hold a secret from other people living in the apartment
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote=robert21 post_id=8020 time=1660882343 user_id=545]
It is very difficult to hold a secret from other people living in the apartment

sacred truth. therefore the incest such is possible ever nobody isn't present, or at least, seldom appear. or if all in such dependence that the mouth won't be opened. well or if all family the convinced intsestnik, but at the guy obviously not the last
so as the wife will give birth, so to her in a basin in cement and in a whirlpool. JOKE, JOKE, and. that there will be someone as the guide to action will be apprehended.

but the house separate and house training will obviously not prevent
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote=robert21 post_id=8020 time=1660882343 user_id=545]
It is very difficult to hold a secret from other people living in the apartment

When I tried to set the daughter on a right track of temptation, with us besides the wife there lived the mother-in-law, and her son. But it was visible the mentor, bad from me, because the daughter to the majority categorically didn't want any manifestations to her for my part. And now and at all says what because of it holds on me offense and can't show to me tender feelings now. So it is a two-edged sword. :(
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

not all have a predisposition to that. I was lucky, at mine even eyes burn also talent to tempt without efforts

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 9 minutes 52 seconds later: [/color] [/size]

When the first time stroked her fingers there she began to ask to make me further still so. And the main thing almost accidentally the first time turned out. Went by the bus on the jolty road. She on knees, a bottom on the dick. I suddenly as became excited. She still fidgets, went long.

I understand that it is abnormal, but as delusion, a hand for a stomach to myself I pressed down her, and another to her under a skirt and sideways along a leg under panties fingers. On a crack let's drive. It at first strained somehow. And then I began to squeeze-relax legs. And then speaks at home - the father still so make.

And likes to flaunt. I saw a fashion show. Now I tortured all the case to show already the 100-th time.
Last edited by cawagal917 on 21 Aug 2022, 05:58, edited 1 time in total.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

It is a pity that I have no daughter... 😊
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

At [ref] the Sun [/ref] , with [ref] Dmanson [/ref] to Look
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

At Nakidayte with a photo to the canal, I want to look on your daughters (it is possible without the person), there is a wish ещë, my daughter already herself on me jumps

incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Pokoritel post_id=8204 time=1661244059 user_id=1797]
I want to look at your daughters (it is possible without the person),

Write the mail - I will send my daughter. Not intim, but with a face ;)
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

I had an experience too.

Married couple invited me for the kids.

Write to tenge. We will communicate.

incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[ref] rasrom [/ref] , of course, here taran.p (slbaka) of internet (point) ru
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Daughter of 7 years. Tic currents, Likee and other youth increases. I limit, of course, but you won't follow everything. Creative is shorter. From time to time alone, kind of carelessly shows interest in my dick. Houses often I walk in pants. Tries to touch with fingers. The spouse of too conservative views and education to tell with her about it not option. At once abuse of the daughter and punishment will follow. The daughter to us during week-end gets into a bed. The TV set

to look, or perhaps if there is no mother at this moment, to try to seize softly me. I don't abuse at all. But if attempts becomes frequent will begin... To stop or.???
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

Don't abuse, and on the contrary offer her that what she wants
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

A question whether wants? To me sees that is interested, not thanks to the appearing sexuality, and it is clean because of children's interest.
incest guest
 Re:At someone and as was сдочкай

Post by incest guest »

[ref] um [/ref] , probably. But the main thing to move in the necessary direction
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