Sex with mother. ⇐ Mother (stepmother) - son
Re:Sex with mother.
At me with mother was when to me was nearly 17 and her 42, everything proceeded slightly more than a year. Now to me 40, I am married, with mother a fine relationship, I even probably am proud that I am her... For communication my Telegram @masimax40
Re:Sex with mother.
About bothered, doesn't depend on the
I with the colleague, wanted to lay her long ago, I remember on March 8, noted, she drank, and to give to drink her and the standard is, but not to a little squirrel,
нач department I congratulated her and I kissed, I was sorry and now it is a pity that didn't kiss, can and would lay.
Though then there was no girl, the truth ran up, but I am not sorry.
As a result I untwisted the colleague, then a holiday, there was a horror, likely 5 times itself a day, couldn't calm down as vampires, you will try sex with the woman and massage and hands don't help.
Roughly 3 months also bothered, and the colleague interests, and sex bothered, but there passed time and as a result of years 10 we were lovers, again a wish arose and likely pulled, the nature nevertheless.
by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 18 minutes 55 seconds later: [/color] [/size]
It yes, I remember the neighbor I came, her 30-35, for fat, me about 13-14, and I look, she the pregnant woman 6-9 month, then somehow I went to take out garbage, and she with a stomach, the second child, I watch legs, and at her beautiful
Still I dream that I would take her pregnant woman and then would make the child by her, it is a pity didn't come true.
Two friends remember, mother with me stirs, kind of flirts, he would know that I would fuck her.
With another, went to the small river and I saw it at the dacha, in a bathing suit, and she not thick, and it is rough +10kg superfluous and high, I would fuck her and would tell, it is good when the friend has so hot mother, also the ave., but two main were. I saw the first already on pension, strongly I grew old, and the second went to the international passport, too likely for 60:- (
And to steam of teachers, plus one geografichka, flew somehow too, long ago didn't see, came to a teacher's room and stirs with one, I look,
and someone inflated it already, too would like the child to make it, thought, the time machine and if learned that the husband doesn't fuck, then as at cinema,
will turn into her husband and to fuck, and then when will terminate and more than once, to tell, and guess, class 7th, your pupil, my surname and if like, then would become lovers. Just in case, all class is learned by both the husband and plus to me 16 years are absent, seducing of the young child <.br/>
by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 7 minutes 26 seconds later: [/color] [/size]
Just sometimes it is necessary viagra, or alcohol and without man year, then it is possible.
Besides it is possible to switch, at all mother and houses too, in a bed and mother and the mistress as then it turns out that I rat takes down at her that so well and happens to him that in sex of a
Then I think that in half a year it is rough, she at work wants his dick, after all and at women instincts take down a roof, not only we think
this place.
I with the colleague, wanted to lay her long ago, I remember on March 8, noted, she drank, and to give to drink her and the standard is, but not to a little squirrel,
нач department I congratulated her and I kissed, I was sorry and now it is a pity that didn't kiss, can and would lay.
Though then there was no girl, the truth ran up, but I am not sorry.
As a result I untwisted the colleague, then a holiday, there was a horror, likely 5 times itself a day, couldn't calm down as vampires, you will try sex with the woman and massage and hands don't help.
Roughly 3 months also bothered, and the colleague interests, and sex bothered, but there passed time and as a result of years 10 we were lovers, again a wish arose and likely pulled, the nature nevertheless.
[quote=fuckyomom post_id=5805 time=1657321355 user_id=1283]
yes adult young women are good[/quote]
It yes, I remember the neighbor I came, her 30-35, for fat, me about 13-14, and I look, she the pregnant woman 6-9 month, then somehow I went to take out garbage, and she with a stomach, the second child, I watch legs, and at her beautiful
Still I dream that I would take her pregnant woman and then would make the child by her, it is a pity didn't come true.
Two friends remember, mother with me stirs, kind of flirts, he would know that I would fuck her.
With another, went to the small river and I saw it at the dacha, in a bathing suit, and she not thick, and it is rough +10kg superfluous and high, I would fuck her and would tell, it is good when the friend has so hot mother, also the ave., but two main were. I saw the first already on pension, strongly I grew old, and the second went to the international passport, too likely for 60
And to steam of teachers, plus one geografichka, flew somehow too, long ago didn't see, came to a teacher's room and stirs with one, I look,
and someone inflated it already, too would like the child to make it, thought, the time machine and if learned that the husband doesn't fuck, then as at cinema,
will turn into her husband and to fuck, and then when will terminate and more than once, to tell, and guess, class 7th, your pupil, my surname and if like, then would become lovers. Just in case, all class is learned by both the husband and plus to me 16 years are absent, seducing of the young child <.br/>
[quote= " strange son" post_id=1472 time=1639687192 user_id=163]
at least from mothers[/quote]
Just sometimes it is necessary viagra, or alcohol and without man year, then it is possible.
Besides it is possible to switch, at all mother and houses too, in a bed and mother and the mistress as then it turns out that I rat takes down at her that so well and happens to him that in sex of a
Then I think that in half a year it is rough, she at work wants his dick, after all and at women instincts take down a roof, not only we think
this place.
Re:Sex with mother.
Me 43. To mother 73. Everything occurred much earlier. Desire was from the childhood.
Last edited by Guest on 22 Jul 2022, 17:50, edited 1 time in total.
Re:Sex with mother.
At the moment everything occurs also this inclination and desire unknown to all...
Re:Sex with mother.
[ref] fuckyomom [/ref] , I will agree)) I got acquainted about 40 summer, the smart lady (me 25).
Re:Sex with mother.
I too somehow got acquainted with milfy, it not forgotten relationship... Again to her pulls though there is enough female attention
Re:Sex with mother.
[ref] SergeyKa [/ref] , a clitoris at women in front...)) And if the dick a stake costs on morning, then you won't get to a bucket.))
Re:Sex with mother.
I am excited by my mother but
There doesn't be not nothing to close up also what to do
There doesn't be not nothing to close up also what to do
Re:Sex with mother.
Mother long ago divorced, I don't even know the father, she devoted all the life to me and I try to give her as much as possible pleasure, I try as I can.
I consider that at me everything is correct with mother, we remained together and we became lovers, and I don't recognize other cases for example:brother with the sister, father with the daughter, etc.
Sex with mother if she lonely is a class and what bad I in it don't see.
I consider that at me everything is correct with mother, we remained together and we became lovers, and I don't recognize other cases for example:brother with the sister, father with the daughter, etc.
Sex with mother if she lonely is a class and what bad I in it don't see.
Re:Sex with mother.
After girls sky and
I remember, I wanted the colleague, but I knew what is improbable. To her slightly for 40.
I got to kiss and in any way, and then I asked to teach to kiss. Sat at work and kissed, the high, tried to persuade on kisses, kissed long,
and at once access, came on weekdays in the morning, embraced and I kiss and it is already possible for me, and there and it is possible to take for buttocks and put a hand on a breast.
Somehow with the girlfriend, at the dacha, I put it on a bed, I laid down from above, I took offense.
I tried at work, I laid the colleague on a bed, I laid down from above, I kiss, I became farther the truth not, a teapot, but now I understand that means was doesn't mind that I laid down on her and I inserted.
As a result passed week and it is visible to it bothered that squeezed only and as a result overslept, in a
Then her I took about 1000 times, besides the high when dreamed to try to persuade someone and here she is given you, and there is a wish for her again, it not with all was.
by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 7 minutes 23 seconds later: [/color] [/size]
Over time will pass, was when it is constantly got, you think, and to see her in the bathroom and when she with the friend, you climb on a wall,
somehow at night I came and I laid down with her, I kiss, turns away if knew what can be caressed still, then I don't know, can and gave a ride.
Or when came, from work where noted, type to help to undress, but I didn't think and somehow drunk after the father weren't pleasant, and then
there were women, drank wine and already then wasn't
The truth desire, maybe to come then again, somehow was in 15-20 years that dreamed week that we in a bed with her
[quote=gportua post_id=9682 time=1663587917 user_id=2077]
I too somehow got acquainted with milfy, it not forgotten relationship... Again to her pulls though there is enough female attention[/quote]
After girls sky and
I remember, I wanted the colleague, but I knew what is improbable. To her slightly for 40.
I got to kiss and in any way, and then I asked to teach to kiss. Sat at work and kissed, the high, tried to persuade on kisses, kissed long,
and at once access, came on weekdays in the morning, embraced and I kiss and it is already possible for me, and there and it is possible to take for buttocks and put a hand on a breast.
Somehow with the girlfriend, at the dacha, I put it on a bed, I laid down from above, I took offense.
I tried at work, I laid the colleague on a bed, I laid down from above, I kiss, I became farther the truth not, a teapot, but now I understand that means was doesn't mind that I laid down on her and I inserted.
As a result passed week and it is visible to it bothered that squeezed only and as a result overslept, in a
Then her I took about 1000 times, besides the high when dreamed to try to persuade someone and here she is given you, and there is a wish for her again, it not with all was.
[quote=Syslik post_id=9830 time=1663866103 user_id=2188]
I am excited by my mother but
There doesn't be not nothing to close up also what to do[/quote]
Over time will pass, was when it is constantly got, you think, and to see her in the bathroom and when she with the friend, you climb on a wall,
somehow at night I came and I laid down with her, I kiss, turns away if knew what can be caressed still, then I don't know, can and gave a ride.
Or when came, from work where noted, type to help to undress, but I didn't think and somehow drunk after the father weren't pleasant, and then
there were women, drank wine and already then wasn't
The truth desire, maybe to come then again, somehow was in 15-20 years that dreamed week that we in a bed with her
Re:Sex with mother.
Everything occurred a little earlier. Desire was from the childhood.
Re:Sex with mother.
This device:twisted: :twisted:
a photo of mother I found [quote=mase post_id=1548 time=1639694011 user_id=235][/quote]
This device
Sex with mother.
Kui mina sõjaväkke hakkasin minema siis tegin väikese lõpuõhtu.Kolm sõpra olid oma pruutidega ja mina ning ema.Emal oli väga kahju et lähen sõjaväkke ning vesistas silmi.Ema oli küll 51.aastane aga pillis nutta,mis minuga 21.aastasega ikka juhtub.Tegime õues trepil suitsu ning ema tahtis minuga ikka veel rääkida siis jalutasime kasvuhoone juurde.Ema läks kasvuhoonesse sisse ja mina talle järgi.Ema langes minu rinnale ja nuttis.Olin ammu lugenud jutte verepilastusest oma emaga ja nüüd tekkis mul isu ema järele.Võtsin siis tal ümbert kinni ja proovisin oma nutvat ema suudelda mis õnnestus esimesel korral.Meie keeled mässasid suus ja ma puutusin õrnalt ta rindu mis võttis ta värisema.Suudlemine läks nii meeletult kiimaliseks et minu käsi liikus kiirelt ta kleidi alla.Tundsin ta sukki ja sukatrippe kuni jõudsin aluspüksteni ning hakkasin ta jalgevahet hööruma.Ema oli kiimas kui minu käsi tal püksis oli ja ajas oma jalgu laiali.Mitte siin,mitte siin ja siis läksime õuekööki kus oli kušett.Keerasin ukse seest seest lukku,ema oli omal juba püksid jalast võtnud.See oli minu esimene kord oma ema nikkuda.Tegime emaga selle asja läbi ning ta tuju tõusis ega nutnud enam.Läksime tuppa kus kõik olid ära läinud.Siis võtsime emaga veel viina ja läksime magamistuppa.Ema võttis ennast täitsa alasti ning hakkasime jälle nikkuma.Ema lasi isegi ennast jalgevahelt lakkuda mis lõppes valju kiljatusega ehk orgasmiga.See olemine oma emaga ei unune mul iialgi
- Total posts: 76
- Joined: 4 months
- Location: Uk
- Age: 66
Re: Sex with mother.
I never got the chance and sadly to late now
- Total posts: 76
- Joined: 4 months
- Location: Uk
- Age: 66
Re: Sex with mother.
They look very hot mothers wish they had been mine
- Total posts: 29
- Joined: 2 months
Re: Sex with mother.
I am a girl from a naturist family and we are almost always naked with family and friends without any problem.
Re: Sex with mother.
I'm 22 and my mom is 55. We started making love behind dad's back two years ago and now we're deeply in love. I'm very conflicted. I don't want Dad to find out. He'd go nuts. But I want my mom in bed with me every night. Can anyone give me some advice?