About sexual inviolability of children. Incest from a scientific point of view

Research and articles about incest
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , in the USA acted the speaker with a subject "pedophilia is an orientation"

In the Czech Republic with a similar subject was too.

They addressed very large audience and all to them clapped and approved this statement. The collective West went mind! Still suggest to delay medicamentally hormonal development of children that they in the future could choose what they a floor. It is tin! Well, to a wall and to shoot all of them!
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Inquisitive post_id=11112 time=1666587394 user_id=2523]
katerina68, in the USA acted the speaker with a subject "pedophilia is an orientation"

In the Czech Republic with a similar subject was too.

They addressed very large audience and all to them clapped and approved this statement. The collective West went mind! Still suggest to delay medicamentally hormonal development of children that they in the future could choose what they a floor. It is tin! Well, to a wall and to shoot all of them!

Here is how only all of us will move to the USA, or somewhere else...

Or as soon as they in one way or another will absorb us and will be engaged in planting of the norms and
Then we will also talk about it...

And besides...

The incest meanwhile in all states, except two is criminalized between adults even by agreement.

And pedophilia, including her incest a component is far from a rank of


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11091 time=1666527685 user_id=120]
About promotion, on the TV set was, discussed.

If I told, I that I here how cool to smoke, so good cigarettes and the ave., advise, then yes, it is
And if I told that I meet the schoolgirl, or with the guy he went to the cinema, nice it bloody nothing not
Also as I will tell that the guy from school stole phone from the teacher, it is not promotion of theft at juvenile age too.


My dear...

You not just discuss...

Promotion, is an appeal to something, approval something or other encouragement of any actions.

Than you actually are also engaged, saying that similar is admissible, normally, it is possible also other.

Here for example, you directly suggest mother suit just yesterday a group sex with the daughter in 13 years and the husband.
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11090 time=1666524095 user_id=120]
If not imagination, then fuck it, and then live three together, he will be enough for you I think.

And the words " if not imagination " emphasize that you offer it for real people, but not as the entertainment to chat about that about seven.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , well... Serious you the lady)) I wanted to tell that this subject there, is already discussed openly and without any doubts, it is good to eat it. Our pedophiles who made and are engaged in it, will appeal before the spouse/spouse. And someone didn't begin those yet but gathers, will be repaid most. Type:Oh, yes I am not a pervert, and just orientation such.
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by @#$_ »

[ref] Inquisitive [/ref] how often the author of a subject writes:" a reference please about the Czech Republic" and that isn't confirmed such information.

But for some reason she doesn't demand the link from you, probably trusts.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Inquisitive post_id=11136 time=1666681777 user_id=2523]
Our pedophiles who made and are engaged in it, will appeal before the spouse/spouse.

If the woman doesn't take a position of a
That though

With exactly subject
Something there... somewhere there... has no relation to our

And the fan of rhetoric will reconcile on himself a striped pajamas soon enough.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] @#$_ [/ref] , I will try to find and I will throw off, and so I saw video in the telegram.
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

Yes to women it is all the same. They the daughter will sell to the stepfather (cohabitant) if only he had a good salary, it is much more than at her. And the psychologist Veronika Stepanova in your video speaks " All know everything, but it is convenient to women"
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11140 time=1666683154 user_id=1]
Yes to women it is all the same. They the daughter will sell to the stepfather (cohabitant) if only he had a good salary, it is much more than at her. And the psychologist Veronika Stepanova in your video speaks " All know everything, but it is convenient to women"

It agrees with you.

Unfortunately it is full of such losers and pettiness, in life that nothing is been, and their only opportunity to be with the woman is
They have just such position.
Last edited by andreas0003 on 25 Oct 2022, 03:49, edited 1 time in total.
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

Katerina68 [/don't have [ref] ref] and. Women think only of money because at them human isn't present. In the Islamic countries it is known.

Video with the translation or subtitlings? It is Czech it is necessary to know, otherwise it can be a fake.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] @#$_ [/ref] , I apologize, in the Czech Republic... the minister of equality of Spain so said

https://t . me/c/1754252633/31735

The gap should be removed, I can insert the link yet
Last edited by Guest on 25 Oct 2022, 04:07, edited 1 time in total.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11143 time=1666684164 user_id=1]
and isn't present. Women think only of money because at them human isn't present.

It is a position of those someone in life achieved nothing and in fact
Someone considers that money all this.

Here on itself also measures others.

[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11143 time=1666684164 user_id=1]
In the Islamic countries it is known.

And in the Islamic countries still trade in children and hammer with stones.

High at you
Worthy men.
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , there now simple example:in the summer if to put on purely - white to soccer, sneakers and sports body stockings with stripes, and in the winter a padded jacket or the cheapest down-padded coat and to pass on the street, women and girls will run up in the
And if to dress expensive belongings, they on the contrary approach closer.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11146 time=1666689481 user_id=1]
there now simple example:in the summer if to put on purely - white to soccer, sneakers and sports body stockings with stripes, and in the winter a padded jacket or the cheapest down-padded coat and to pass on the street, women and girls will run up in the
And if to dress expensive belongings, they on the contrary approach closer.


You on an example of bums, from whom smells for one hundred meters, gave an example.

Also it is possible to think for you this formula doesn't work.

In the same way you will avoid the girl dressed in second-hand articles/>

So you don't judge by yourself.
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , so not. I didn't write about second-hand articles. In total has to be new, clean, but the cheapest.

You or not correctly understand written or inattentively you read, or you invent.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11148 time=1666690566 user_id=1]
katerina68, so not. I didn't write about second-hand articles. In total has to be new, clean, but the cheapest.

You or not correctly understand written or inattentively you read, or you invent.


It I equate a half of mankind to
Moreover such selling that for money are ready to trade in the children also.

It is necessary to be so narrow person and not to know in life anything except money.
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , is the truth, unfortunately, all do only that favourably and communicate only with those with someone favourably. Won't communicate with you if don't see in you benefit.
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Tone »

You in vain so blame people. Now I went by the full bus, threw to the young girl, in a hand there was a bag and it turned out that the hand is pressed to her buttocks, she considered that I purposely touch her and began to touch me for a dick as which of us is guilty
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11150 time=1666691188 user_id=1]
katerina68, is the truth, unfortunately, all do only that favourably and communicate only with those with someone favourably. Won't communicate with you if don't see in you benefit.

Word "Favourably" even 3
Arguments ran low yes?

But I hope at you money though will be enough for the cheap prostitute.

Because to the person with the similar
Bigger in life also doesn't shine you.
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Tone »

Katerina68 [/ref] , Sorry, pressed [ref] to the young girl
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , even dear prostitutes cost cheaper than " nitaky". Someone doesn't work on the panel - the same prostitutes only more expensive. [ref] Tone [/ref] , I can't believe in it. But, can do it was the prostitute? There is a lot of them.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11154 time=1666691967 user_id=1]
even dear prostitutes cost cheaper than " nitaky". Someone doesn't work on the panel - the same prostitutes only more expensive.

I sympathize with people who without money cost nothing.

They are necessary to nobody. Nothing to anybody mean.

Anybody and anything...

Here will also measure all to the measure.
Aversiya Seksualnaya
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Aversiya Seksualnaya »

[ref] Ha ha [/ref] and not, is normal girls simply to look for you will be exhausted. Realities unfortunately these are what percent 70 are very mercantile, with such it is even unpleasant to communicate.

And still there is an old saying:clothes don't make the man... And she treats not only acquaintance of the girl and guy, but also other meetings of type of business.
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

[ref] Aversiya Seksualnaya [/ref] , allegedly "normal" are those at someone actor's abilities good, you will be exhausted to distinguish. You marry such and in about 20 years it will become clear that it all this time played a role of "normal". And how many plots in movies:" the wife only before the death of the husband admits that she married by calculation.
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

In principle, there is a way to distinguish:yes it is simple not to spend kopek for it and if begins to roll up scandals - the prostitute means.
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Tone »

Katerina68 [/ref] and me somehow indifferently you trust [ref] , or not, I wrote as it was. Can joke to the girl there was a wish
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= Tone of post_id=11167 time=1666716849 user_id=1]
to katerina68 and me somehow indifferently you trust, or not, I wrote as it was. Can joke to the girl there was a wish

Yes for me somehow too it is indifferent that for you it is indifferent.

I even didn't mention a word about your girl from the bus and what there you had.
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Tone »

And nothing was, she left before me
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Tone »

[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , Sorry, I am a beginner here, and apparently I confused something answering a post Ha Ha
Ha ha
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Ha ha »

[ref] Tone [/ref] , only the prostitute is capable of it. All this explains.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[b] this week. [/b]

[b] the Small selection of short publications on misunderstanding by society of those someone show special love to children and that how similar contingent is afraid that will get to places of confinement. [/b]


On October 26, 2022

In Vologda the pedophile committed suicide not to return to prison

The man was detained for attack on the 10-year-old schoolgirl. The girl who was attacked by the 57-year-old man was saved by one of passersby. As it became clear when conducting investigation, the malefactor already served sentence for similar crime and went out of prison only last fall. The man committed suicide.

https://mosregtoday.ru/soc/v-vologde-pedofil-pokonchil-s-soboj-chtoby-ne-vozvrashatsya-v-tyurmu /


On May 16, 2022

Condemned for pedophilia found dead in the Magnitogorsk colony

According to preliminary information, the 60-year-old man committed suicide. In corrective labor colony No. 18 in Magnitogorsk the 60-year-old man condemned for pedophilia died. Information on it was confirmed in management of FSIN of Chelyabinsk
On May 14, 2022 in IK-18 the convict born in 1961 without signs of life serving sentence in establishment for commission of crime was found minds sexual integrity concerning the minor (the point of Part 4 of Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) — specified in GUFSIN. — To the scene immediately there arrived the medic of correctional facility. Resuscitation events were held, but positive result they aren't
of https://74.ru/text/criminal/2022/05/16/71332814 /


On August 16, 2018

In Perm the accused of pedophilia committed suicide before the court verdict

For rape of the niece the man was threatened by 16 years of maximum security penal colony

In Perm the 43-year-old man who repeatedly raped the 16-year-old niece before the court verdict committed suicide. The resident of Perm was threatened by 16 years of a high security. At the same time earlier the man was judged for causing heavy harm to
As told 59.ru sources in law enforcement agencies, the defendant was released from colony in July of last year. And in September I committed a new crime — I fell a victim his own
of https://59.ru/text/criminal/2018/08/16/65276431 /

I would think this note especially it was pleasant to the character that told about the entertainments with the
With which I had dubious honor to communicate few weeks ago.
Last edited by andreas0003 on 27 Oct 2022, 04:24, edited 3 times in total.
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by _____ »

Look for" previously convicted under the similar articles". On them also hang up.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote= _____ post_id=11209 time=1666858470 user_id=1]
Look for" previously convicted under the similar articles". On them also hang up.

Time they had the first criminal record, and those someone for the first time can receive it.

And there will also think that for them more painless an exit.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

But, according to just adopted amendments to the law, condemned for crimes of the minding sexual integrity of children (on an equal basis with terrorists, car thieves of planes, founders of illegal armed groups, etc.) aren't subject to an appeal at mobilization :oops:
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Polosaty_Kot post_id=11228 time=1666942805 user_id=2145]
But, according to just adopted amendments to the law, condemned for crimes of the minding sexual integrity of children (on an equal basis with terrorists, car thieves of planes, founders of illegal armed groups, etc.) aren't subject to an appeal at mobilization

Decided to rape a couple of children for the sake of an excuse from army?

I don't advise.

Esteem though a little about that as in prison treat to the similar
At the front at you chances will be on more.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=katerina68 post_id=11230 time=1666943502 user_id=171]
Decided to rape a couple of children for the sake of an excuse from army?

Do you have Katerina in general sense of humour though sometime was?

And if to you it is so curious, then I in general live outside the former USSR, and I consider today's Russia by Resident Evil in every sense.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Polosaty_Kot post_id=11242 time=1666970910 user_id=2145]
And if to you it is so curious, then I in general live outside the former USSR

In general not interestingly where do you live.

Here absolutely.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Polosaty_Kot post_id=11242 time=1666970910 user_id=2145]
[quote=katerina68 post_id=11230 time=1666943502 user_id=171]
Decided to rape a couple of children for the sake of an excuse from army?

Do you have Katerina in general sense of humour though sometime was?

And if to you it is so curious, then I in general live outside the former USSR, and I consider today's Russia by Resident Evil in every sense.

I met girls, humour zero, with such and it isn't interesting to live. д

About Resident Evil, at the USA roughly 200 bases, about 20-30 revolutions made. By the way almost told that Kovid invented in
the bomb was thrown off to Japan, and we are Residents Evil, and that Russia only began to be at war against NATO and
Of course, all know, war badly, but to the USA to us, as to Paris, on the

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 7 minutes 47 seconds later: [/color] [/size]
[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11148 time=1666690566 user_id=1]
[ref] katerina68 [/ref] , so not. I didn't write about second-hand articles. In total has to be new, clean, but the cheapest.

You or not correctly understand written or inattentively you read, or you invent.

Favourite videos as girls part, I agree, video where the guy on an abrupt wheelbarrow and at once, or will pass in a car, or the ave. or when with the husband of ides ут and here they are parted and so forth. I looked about the ASPEN, the moron thought, drank, and now I want to apologize to him, he is married also the daughter, and the wife saw a tackle

the oligarch also I left him, the ordinary
At most there was a trick, in imagination, will allow the administrator, админю a computer, and at an office crowd of girls in secretaries, I get acquainted, 99-100% send me,

then I come, type to look at a computer, and then I leave in a jacket and type to a position I begin reception, I listen as jaws fall.

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 7 minutes 52 seconds later: [/color] [/size]
[quote=katerina68 post_id=11147 time=1666690160 user_id=171]
[quote= " ha ha" post_id=11146 time=1666689481 user_id=1]

Also it is possible to think for you this formula doesn't work.

In the same way you will avoid the girl dressed in second-hand articles/>
So you don't judge by yourself.

More better you watch yourself.

For example if the beautiful girl, but shabby jeans and just a jacket, but beautiful, asks how to pass, I will prompt, will ask to finish, I will finish,

if wants to get acquainted, then why isn't present.

At me were also business вуман, on clothes and such I tried to persuade.

But for me the mail carrier, the secretary, the nurse, the cashier, the controller by train, is not a service staff, and the girl, the woman, also and clothes not crucially, except for the drunkard or someone is homeless though he didn't see girls.

by [size=85] [color=green] It is sent 8 hours 4 minutes 7 seconds later: [/color] [/size]
[quote=katerina68 post_id=11138 time=1666682742 user_id=171]
[quote= Inquisitive post_id=11136 time=1666681777 user_id=2523]
Our pedophiles who made and are engaged in it, will appeal before the spouse/spouse.


Again I don't agree, promotion is a distribution of false information, that is for example the country of Honduras, it is the country of
Or besides I stand, on the street and I shout that X drink is useful to
And here I just answered and if I answered the girl that let her son smokes, it doesn't mean promotion, and here if I tell that I advise also everything,

then yes.

Secondly, here 90% of messages stupid from virtuals that is who pseudo girls and pseudo a real story, here also I advised.

Besides, all this a hogwash, I will repeat, don't know nobody and there are no violations, will repeat, many stars lived with girls, only him gave a ride.

Also if you are a guy of 14 years and you sleep with the schoolmate, then normat, and here the 20th summer guy kissed the 15th summer girl, you will be victimized as pedophile.

For me the pedophile who changes little girls as gloves and corrupts and the guy who wants to start a family with the girl wait for year and everything,

the press in the passport and you the husband and the
And correctly wrote, now in 12 years summer not to distinguish the girl from 18, I remember itself, there and to look there is nobody was, children when studied

in one class. And now girls in 12-14 years know a Kama Sutra on teeth and the guy in 4 years the tablet understands,
Though on the other hand, years in 40 it can be not ready for marriage and children, still to play a computer.

Besides, for information, the incest is a sex with young, generally and if to delete it then also to close the website.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11415 time=1667226027 user_id=120]
Again I don't agree, promotion is a distribution of false information, that is for example the country of Honduras, it is the country of
Or besides I stand, on the street and I shout that X drink is useful to health.

Distribution of obviously false information is called slander slander

And you as you also said "advised" the woman to close eyes to the fact that the girl is only 13 years old and together with the husband to fuck the girl.
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11090 time=1666524095 user_id=120]
If not imagination, then fuck it, and then live three together, he will be enough for you I think.

That is you offer and you advise actions in favor of pedophilia, and 13 years it it and are.

So you propagandize

And besides phrase "If not imagination"...

That is not a joke, namely council


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11415 time=1667226027 user_id=120]
And correctly wrote, now in 12 years summer not to distinguish the girl from 18

Yes... Six years of a difference that a half at the 12th summer age and a third of 18 years, a
Pretend that mixed and it is normal.

Fans of sex with minors often to it operate.
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by Aha »

Aha to ask the passport everyone at acquaintance. Everyone will send....
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=katerina68 post_id=11432 time=1667250497 user_id=171]
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11415 time=1667226027 user_id=120]

About promotion, I quoted Wikipedia so argue with them if there is a wish.

Besides I will repeat, council to someone isn't promotion, you learn
I can advise the friend, start a family with the girl and the guy, but it is not
Once again, promotion is an advertizing something, that is I repeat, buy PEPSi, she cool, I advise all, here
Even on TV already hundred times spoke, and recently, for example at Norkin in
And what mixed, not one tyscha of times, wrote and said that on development and in a figure, now not to distinguish from 18 summer and itself met

at work, about 50 years ago, they would define, and now it is possible to confuse.

I remember channel first, the woman of 40 years approximately, tells something when wrote "Nastya - 24 years", I fainted. And it not 6 years of a
About terms, all differently consider, for example below 12th it violence, after 14 it is considered already in consent though besides the law

about 16.

And I looked, in the Caucasus the age was 13 years,
In Russia, imperial if I remember, then gave out in 12 years, in the consent of parents. I found that princes of children in 8-9 years gave out even.

So a conversation, in what depends on the country and on laws, and laws can change what age will be in 100 years, I don't know, but I think

that marriage between age-mates, can be reduced up to 14, and consent, as solved.

And besides, it isn't necessary to confuse, a relationship in consent, or violently, guys in 14-15 years already in my time understood how what, and now

conduct survey, likely understand earlier, for example as show that in orphanages often ripen early and the first experience there.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11435 time=1667282067 user_id=120]
I can advise the friend, start a family with the girl and the guy, but it is not promotion.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11435 time=1667282067 user_id=120]
Once again, promotion is an advertizing something, that is I repeat, buy PEPSi, she cool, I advise all, here promotion.

And can then specify...

You suggest the woman to fuck together with the husband the girl of 13

What is it?

On her question
[quote= Elena. post_id=11044 time=1666432393 user_id=1]
I came home slightly earlier and the husband with the daughter (her 13) to beds naked. And the daughter from above squats as "equestrian".

What to do?

You advised "that fuck her, and then live three together"
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11090 time=1666524095 user_id=120]
If not imagination, then fuck it, and then live three together, he will be enough for you I think.

Similar councils are a pushing to
In this case to


Here your similar
In him you quite in open comment and you advise that in 15 years it is already admissible.

[quote=Sekret post_id=1853 time=1641553517 user_id=347]
Everything hi, I want to share with you

I was 15 years old, and to my Sister 19 were executed.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=10955 time=1666246094 user_id=120]
Would tell, mother learns, I kiss you and I touch a breast, you masturbate at me, and I am silent and I don't speak to
If also the ave. agrees, then depending on her answer and so on, it is possible to try to persuade, to do to her to kuna and can do blowjob, and there on sex untwist, only buy elastic bands.


And still.

And you suggest "to give to drink both", so consent in 16 here and can't close be.

But probably for you it is normal things to suggest adult to give to drink 16 summer girl to achieve from her
Also as mother of the girl to incline councils to the same

[quote=Imker post_id=6875 time=1658819821 user_id=1240]
Recently the daughter (16) directly asked, I could be engaged with her in
At her the guy, already near
So suddenly, I even became puzzled.

I thought seconds 10 and I told:if mother resolves! she laughed and left from a conversation.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=7252 time=1659610013 user_id=120]
It is correct if the wife and the mother-in-law can be tried to persuade then, more difficult.

"The head hurts me", ok I will go to the daughter!???? went nuts?

If you want, to live with them, then it is fine, but it will be difficult to understand that the daughter took away the husband though the daughter can be not her. (not him that is)

I would tell likely, cum to be jealous and kiss each other, it is possible to give to drink both, I think and to caress of mother and daughter it won't be difficult,

then the daughter for two will be.

And it is possible and to tell, leave the guy if you want and you would like to caress mother, I won't tell her.


Here your advertizing "buy PEPSi, she cool"

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11435 time=1667282067 user_id=120]
Once again, promotion is an advertizing something, that is I repeat, buy PEPSi, she cool, I advise all, here promotion.

You find many pluses in sex with

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11436 time=1667282758 user_id=120]
I would call many pluses and diseases at both will pass and many guys won't go at night to force, or won't rape
Plus of course experience, besides, as here argued if she gave birth to him in 15 years, then the difference will be not especially big and if to give the choice,

or to give, or he will sit down on drugs, I think will choose the first. Plus I think, many guys will find then the wife, but won't be up to 50
For example the brother with the sister, is in general the closest communication, the sister and the wife, it is more expensive to you in twins if the wife can be sent also to the ave.,

that the sister then will apologize you will be, plus it is simpler to find consensus, she both the friend and the wife and the sister, in a case with the wife, is more than egoism.



[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11435 time=1667282067 user_id=120]
In Russia, imperial if I remember, then gave out in 12 years, in the consent of parents. I found that princes of children in 8-9 years gave out even.

So a conversation, in what depends on the country and on laws, and laws can change what age will be in 100 years, I don't know, but I think

that marriage between age-mates, can be reduced up to 14, and consent, as solved.

Probably such thing as the current legislation for you it is indifferent.

Maybe still you will give the Middle Ages as an argument?

Or the expression loved by local pedophiles "in the Islamic countries"?


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11435 time=1667282067 user_id=120]
And besides, it isn't necessary to confuse, a relationship in consent, or violently, guys in 14-15 years already in my time understood how what, and now

conduct survey, likely understand earlier, for example as show that in orphanages often ripen early and the first experience there.

Just about...

It isn't necessary to confuse...

The relation in consent is at least 16
And before you specified 14-15 years this consent court the investigation doesn't take into account from the word "absolutely".

And arguments that "it in consent" pedophiles love it, a pier "the child agreed".
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

First, about the girl, it isn't necessary to muddle.

Mother found the daughter on the husband, of course the subject is created by the virtual and imagination, but she means rather itself I wanted, means seduction here isn't present,

most likely, but besides it is imagination of the
About together, besides the imagination, but if to divide the husband, or a divorce, then doesn't mean that it is more best a
And to what to push here, the man has sex where already to push him, already process is.

About the guy in 15 and girls in 19 what to hell here pedophilia, the guy wants itself and there will be enough guys in 15 years, to consider for young children,

and concerning 15 years, I wrote, and will be to the girl 14, so they are age-mates, will want, will understand, will be enough to consider that we have no sex,

someone wants, that will understand and clever just won't tell anybody.

On the TV set there is a transfer, about girls who to 16 give birth, this is more promotion and
I can give the Mesozoic still.

If there are laws and somewhere they others, it isn't necessary to consider that there is only your house and all. If everywhere age of 18 years, then it isn't necessary to consider that

your house where 25 it have to be everywhere.

(You find many pluses in sex with children.) Here already slander. Go on the conventual's forum online. I will repeat, a forum incest and to learn,

that the forum is the relation with children and the ave., so I will repeat, the incest also is a relationship with children if didn't read.

Then, I wrote, not pluses with children, here impudently you lie, and the subject was that if there was no taboo, with an incest, then women had no diseases, was

with someone, and guys would find experience, and here it is all the same, we will take age of guys in 16-18 years and try to write here that they are
About the daughter and to give to drink, again the lie, a subject was that the husband goes to the daughter, again an incest and wasn't here, about seduction, there was a fact already that she

it agrees.

Then in a relationship in family, there is nothing to climb if all solved, then this their case and to ask any psychologists and the ave. they won't be.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11440 time=1667287567 user_id=120]
First, about the girl, it isn't necessary to muddle.

Mother found the daughter on the husband, of course the subject is created by the virtual and imagination, but she means rather itself I wanted, means seduction here isn't present,

most likely, but besides it is imagination of the person.

And what I muddled?

You in response to the message, knowing that the child is 13 years old, wrote that if it is not imagination, i.e. meaning that if it is the truth, then advised mother to go for group sex with the

There are her words.
[quote= Elena. post_id=11044 time=1666432393 user_id=1]
I came home slightly earlier and the husband with the daughter (her 13) to beds naked. And the daughter from above squats as "equestrian".

What to do?

Here yours.
[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11090 time=1666524095 user_id=120]
If not imagination, then fuck it, and then live three together, he will be enough for you I think.

From myself I didn't add a word.

Your words, completely.

And your formal replies about imagination, the author's fake Elena and other than you justify youselves now.

Already out of place. As you wrote the words " if not imagination ".

You emphasized that it is council for a real

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11440 time=1667287567 user_id=120]
And to what to push here, the man has sex where already to push him, already process is.

So you advise not him.

It then wasn't.

You advise mother not only to close eyes to the fact that to the girl of 13
But also to arrange a group sex with the


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11440 time=1667287567 user_id=120]
About the guy in 15 and girls in 19 what to hell here pedophilia, the guy wants itself and there will be enough guys in 15 years, to consider for young children

The same. This your opinion that sex with minor children - it is normal.

Psychologists and legislation a little other

But probably you "special" and laws and norms on sexual inviolability of children nothing means to you.


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11440 time=1667287567 user_id=120]
On the TV set there is a transfer, about girls who to 16 give birth, this is more promotion and advertizing.

. To tell about the incident, it is one.

But you that give advice, you advise the woman to support and join the husband to the
Repeatedly you advise children up to 16 years to have sex with sisters and mothers. And even you specify as to make it.

You advise the man "to give to drink" 16 summer girl and her mother to organize a group sex <.br/>

So don't equate the review of news where tell what happened in past
And that you advise that it is necessary to take and what steps to take to involve children in sexual the


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11440 time=1667287567 user_id=120]
Then in a relationship in family, there is nothing to climb if all solved, then this their case and to ask any psychologists and the ave. they won't be.

Interesting at you a


If the parent decided to seduce the minor child, what to interfere with him.

Well unless can be at the child of the right?

Probably on yours the child is property with which it is possible to do everything that will want.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11440 time=1667287567 user_id=120]
If there are laws and somewhere they others, it isn't necessary to consider that there is only your house and all. If everywhere age of 18 years, then it isn't necessary to consider that

your house where 25 it have to be everywhere.

So you not about 18 years write.

For you and in 13 it it is already normal.


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11440 time=1667287567 user_id=120]
(You find many pluses in sex with children.) Here already slander.

What else slander?

Here your message where you also list sex pluses with

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11436 time=1667282758 user_id=120]
I would call many pluses and diseases at both will pass and many guys won't go at night to force, or won't rape
Plus of course experience, besides, as here argued if she gave birth to him in 15 years, then the difference will be not especially big and if to give the choice,

or to give, or he will sit down on drugs, I think will choose the first. Plus I think, many guys will find then the wife, but won't be up to 50
For example the brother with the sister, is in general the closest communication, the sister and the wife, it is more expensive to you in twins if the wife can be sent also to the ave.,

that the sister then will apologize you will be, plus it is simpler to find consensus, she both the friend and the wife and the sister, in a case with the wife, is more than egoism.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11440 time=1667287567 user_id=120]
I will repeat, a forum incest and to learn that the forum is the relation with children and the ave., so I will repeat, the incest also is a relationship with children if didn't read.

And I not speak about an incest.

Don't substitute pedophilia in favor of which you write on an incest.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

Again a lie, I didn't write that I am a fan of girls, and wrote, after a forum and on
Painted so much, I suspect, not I have imaginations, and at you.

Once again:What else slander?

Here your message where you also list sex pluses with
(I would call many pluses and diseases at both will pass and many guys won't go at night to force, or won't rape girlfriends.)

The subject was, the answer to a comment. Where here it is written that I wrote that plus, is sex with children, still such message, I will address, as to

False Ekaterina, it is also necessary to climb in others conversation if you don't understand.

And yes here the age, first pedophilia, is love of men (usually) to girls. And incest not always pedophilia, as well as pedophilia

in many cases not an
Though esteem before writing just like that.

So the love at school, the guy to the girl, is not pedophilia, as well as the girl who climbs to the father of the girlfriend, this early

Also as well as love of the 18th summer guy to the 15th summer girl especially as they approximately know when they go to the REGISTRY OFFICE <.br/>

Concerning girls, again a lie if the man drank 30 years and I say that buy more better cognac, but not moonshine, then doesn't mean that I him from him

I made the drunkard, he and so

I will repeat, you don't understand, don't climb, there were comments from people who were engaged a year in it, and here my councils, they also will think.

Besides, someone told that they the father the pedophile, thought up, I will repeat the pedophile someone pulls generally on children, and an incest that is another matter.

And in most cases, girls and guys want so this desire to adults, and not vice versa, as there are exceptions,

but is one thousand times less if not in hundreds of thousands.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[ref] Alex454545 [/ref] ,

So in what slander?

I only quote your messages in which you give advice

Repeatedly you advise children up to 16 years to have sex with sisters and mothers. And even you specify as to make it.

You advise the man "to give to drink" 16 summer girl and her mother to organize a group sex <.br/>

You advise the woman to support and join the husband to the

[quote= Elena. post_id=11044 time=1666432393 user_id=1]
I came home slightly earlier and the husband with the daughter (her 13) to beds naked. And the daughter from above squats as "equestrian".

What to do?

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11090 time=1666524095 user_id=120]
If not imagination, then fuck it, and then live three together, he will be enough for you I think.

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11446 time=1667293998 user_id=120]
Besides, someone told that they the father the pedophile, thought up

He had sex with the 13th summer girl that in modern representation and is
You on it advised mother of the girl to join.

What did I think up here?


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11446 time=1667293998 user_id=120]
Also as well as love of the 18th summer guy to the 15th summer girl especially as they approximately know when they go to the REGISTRY OFFICE.

Though where can gather.

From the point of view of operating the zakonodatelstiva and accepted standards, is 18 summer


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11446 time=1667293998 user_id=120]
I will repeat, you don't understand, don't climb, there were comments from people who were engaged a year in it, and here my councils, they also will think.

Besides, someone told that they the father the pedophile, thought up, I will repeat the pedophile someone pulls generally on children, and an incest that is another matter.

And in most cases, girls and guys want so this desire to adults, and not vice versa, as there are exceptions,

but is one thousand times less if not in hundreds of thousands.

It is clear.

For you sex with children it is normal also this right of the adult.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

And I don't consider that 18 years the pedophile, is laws such, if at the guy the wife of 15-16 years, then it is family. And here when the man in 40 years, gets acquainted from 12-15

summer also drags them home, I agree.

As I will repeat that to the guy in 18 years can only one girl in 15 years is pleasant and she is his wife, and he had 20 mistresses for 30-40 years

and it are pleasant to him mature, or in general earlier guys were pleasant to him.

He had sex with the 13th summer girl that in modern representation and there is a pedophilia, besides, in representation of Africa it is training,

in Gipsy too something.

Besides under the law, but not on sense if the girl told him, or you sleep with me, or I will squeal that forced, and he liked models is admissible, that is he is a pedophile under the law, and on sense isn't present, besides will pass years 10 and he will be her husband, approximately and any

About normally, it is reality "Romeo and Juliette" and others and all know that girls in 18 already many not virgins that now a problem

to find the wife who didn't have sex before
Besides love of school students, for me it is normal, besides I will repeat, girls ripen at 13-14 and guys at 15-16 and what guy

will refuse the neighbor in 20-30 years, especially if she teaches him to all and then he will find the wife and at him everything will be good.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11453 time=1667297258 user_id=120]
And I don't consider that 18 years the pedophile, is laws such, if at the guy the wife of 15-16 years, then it is family. And here when the man in 40 years, gets acquainted from 12-15

summer also drags them home, I agree.

That's it what you don't consider.

And the legislation and accepted standards still as consider that in 18 years already full age and that in this case sex with 15 summer
It is sex with the minor child from corresponding responsibility and

From here and the fact that in terms of the legislation and norms, your councils are councils in favor of


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11453 time=1667297258 user_id=120]
He had sex with the 13th summer girl that in modern representation and there is a pedophilia, besides, in representation of Africa it is training,

in Gipsy too something.

Too good argument. And in some Islamic countries still of children it is possible to sell and buy.

But nevertheless we live not in the African republics and not in Islamic too.

As get out - it is
And in this story the father is a

[quote= Elena. post_id=11044 time=1666432393 user_id=1]
I came home slightly earlier and the husband with the daughter (her 13) to beds naked. And the daughter from above squats as "equestrian".

What to do?

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11090 time=1666524095 user_id=120]
If not imagination, then fuck it, and then live three together, he will be enough for you I think.

And your council is a mother's advice not only to tolerate, but also to support the husband and to arrange a gruppovushka with 13 summer
And as you don't get out here - it is council to be engaged in


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11453 time=1667297258 user_id=120]
Besides under the law, but not on sense if the girl told him, or you sleep with me, or I will squeal that forced, and he liked models is admissible, that is he is a pedophile under the law, and on sense isn't present, besides will pass years 10 and he will be her husband, approximately and any violations.

No words or actions of the child can be used in justification or an explanation of the fact that the adult had sex or other intimate relations and

But yes, fans of pedophilia like to transfer responsibility to the
That that made that... I told it... and here so it turned out...


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11453 time=1667297258 user_id=120]
About normally, it is reality "Romeo and Juliette" and others and all know that girls in 18 already many not virgins that now a problem

to find the wife who didn't have sex before marriage.

Romeo and Juliette? Seriously?

The same that other your attempts to operate to words that in Africa, in the Islamic countries and all other.

It has no what relation to what is here and now.


[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11453 time=1667297258 user_id=120]
Besides love of school students, for me it is normal, besides I will repeat, girls ripen at 13-14 and guys at 15-16 and what guy

will refuse the neighbor in 20-30 years, especially if she teaches him to all and then he will find the wife and at him everything will be good.

And yes here puberty?

Puberty is a

We discuss a subject of
This legislation and accepted

And time you advise in favor of sex with children, you say that here somewhere there it is normal, you mention puberty.

Probably laws and accepted standards mean nothing to you...

There is a wish for sex with the
Means it is possible.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

About 18, about as I say that foolish laws also as:I stole one billion, you in Forbes, stole sausage long loaf, in
Also, if people solve and what to do with the 18th summer the guy who overslept about 15 summer which in a month he will be 16, then I think

they will acquit him if understand
And here some businessman who drags schoolgirls home and corrupts, this another
And about Africa if there are 20 countries, where other law and one, where the ban, it is impossible to tell that all are identical.

Maturing at everything if wasn't, then there were no analyses also, about
Besides, in 15 years, many know already about sex and everything, and the majority of initiatives after all and the nature demands from guys and girls as pulls to new.

Apropos, a relationship, it was told, about a taboo, the sister brother, the son mother, if you like, let him will be 16-18, here the law won't be pasted,

besides I said that marriage of the sister and brother and of course not in 14-15lt.

(There is a wish for sex with the child...) Well if you want, we and?
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11459 time=1667308010 user_id=120]
About 18, about as I say that foolish laws

Well to do.

Not nevertheless as you consider that children from 13 years in group sex can be involved.

For the majority - it is pedophilia and the majority... so to say so dislike those a little someone fucks minor

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11459 time=1667308010 user_id=120]
And about Africa if there are 20 countries, where other law and one, where the ban, it is impossible to tell that all are identical.

Yes... You already wrote that in Africa it is possible and that in other countries it is possible...

I understood your thought that for you pedophilia isn't something bad, for you it is nearly a way of association and unity of

[quote=Alex454545 post_id=11459 time=1667308010 user_id=120]
Well if you want, we and?

To me??? It seems you adduce all day arguments and arguments that sex with children is quite admissible. In difference from you for me similar everything is far from
And in difference from you I advised not nobody to have sex with children and didn't make about it recommendations.
incest guest
 Re:About sexual inviolability of children.

Post by incest guest »

You will tell Katerina68 and if not adults and children whereas act as the initiator of sex?
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